首页> 外文会议>SPE/DOE symposium on improved oil recovery >A New Way to Diagnose Injectivity Decline During Fractured Water Injection By Modifying Conventional Hall Analysis

A New Way to Diagnose Injectivity Decline During Fractured Water Injection By Modifying Conventional Hall Analysis




For many years, unfiltered produced water has been used inthe flooding of heavy oil reservoir in Southern Oman forpressure maintenance. Initially it was thought that the waterinjection was under matrix conditions. However, it is wellaccepted in the industry that water injection and particularlyproduced water injection almost, always takes place underfracturing condition. Significant decline in injectivity wasrepeatedly seen due to downhole blockages. Routine clean-upsand acidizations were carried out without success. Early 2003,a dedicated study was conducted to identify the root cause ofthis problem and recommend a remedial action. The purposewas to determine if the decline is due to poor water quality,reservoir compartmentalization, matrix/fracture or wellboreplugging.An unconventional approach was used to conduct acomprehensive study using historical data by modifying theHall-Analysis technique. It was concluded that poor waterquality was the problem. The interpretation of the ModifiedHall Plot together with Bottomhole Pressure (BHP) vs. Rateplot also provided evidence of wellbore and/or fractureplugging. Both qualitative and quantitative analysescharacterized the initial matrix injection period and fracturinginjection regime that followed. Fracture plugging, routine wellstimulations and fracture propagation trends were interpretedfrom the plots. A 3D in-house simulation package forwaterflood under fracturing conditions was used,independently, to simulate injection conditions and confirmthe results. Simulated injection pressure was much lower thanactual field data confirming severe plugging. Further analysisshowed that the plugging was due to unconventionalparticulates different from solids and oil contaminants inwater. Recommendation was made to identify the contaminantand maintain a maximum suspended solid concentration of 100ppm to contain fracture propagation. A recent filter trialconfirmed the presence of FeS contaminant.Successful remedial action was taken followed by recommissioningand water treatment facility design to realizeestimated 150m3/d/well and improving ultimate recovery.Recently, another field study has successfully completedadopting same technique. By modifying Hall Analysistechnique, it is possible to use field data for diagnosingmatrix/fracturing regimes, assessing degree of damage anddetermining the location of the damage.
机译:多年以来,未经过滤的采出水已用于 阿曼南部重油储层的洪水 压力维护。最初以为水 注射是在基质条件下进行的。不过很好 在业界接受注水,特别是 注水几乎总是发生在 压裂条件。注射性的显着下降是 由于井下堵塞反复出现。例行清理 酸化没有成功。 2003年初, 进行了专门的研究,以查明根源 此问题,并建议采取补救措施。目的 是为了确定下降的原因是否是水质差, 储层划分,基质/裂缝或井眼 堵塞。 一种非常规的方法被用来进行 通过修改历史数据使用历史数据进行全面研究 霍尔分析技术。得出的结论是贫水 质量是问题所在。修改后的解释 霍尔图以及井底压力(BHP)与速率的关系 该图还提供了井眼和/或裂缝的证据 堵塞。定性和定量分析 表征初始基质注入期和压裂 随后的注射方式。裂缝堵塞,常规井 解释了增产措施和裂缝扩展趋势 从地块。 3D内部仿真程序包 使用压裂条件下的注水, 独立地模拟注射条件并确认 结果。模拟注射压力远低于 确认严重堵塞的实际现场数据。更深入的分析 表明堵塞是由于非常规 不同于固体和油类污染物的颗粒 水。提出了确定污染物的建议 并保持最大悬浮固体浓度为 100ppm可抑制裂缝蔓延。最近的过滤器试用 确认存在FeS污染物。 采取了成功的补救措施,然后进行了重新调试 和水处理设施的设计实现 估计为150立方米/天/井,并提高了最终采收率。 最近,另一项实地研究已成功完成 采用相同的技术。通过修改霍尔分析 技术,可以使用现场数据进行诊断 基质/压裂机制,评估破坏程度和 确定损坏的位置。



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