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Robust pcps of proximity, shorter pcps and applications to coding




We continue the study of the trade-off between the length of PCP sand their query complexity, establishing the following main results(which refer to proofs of satisfiability of circuits of size n): 1 We present PCPs of length exp(O(log log n)2)•n that can be verified by making o(log logn) Boolean queries.For every ε0, we present PCPs of length exp(logε n)• n that can be verified by making a constant number of Boolean queries. In both cases, false assertions are rejected withconstant probability (which may be set to be arbitrarily close to 1). The multiplicative overhead on the length of the proof, introduced by transforming a proof into a probabilistically checkable one, is just quasi-polylogarithmic in the first case (ofquery complexity o(log logn)), and 2(log n, for any ε0, in the second case (of constant query complexity). In contrast, previous results required at least 2 √logn overhead in the length, even to get query complexity 2 √log n. Our techniques include the introduction of a new variant of PCPs that we call "Robust PCPs". These new PCPs facilitate proof composition, which is a central ingredient in construction of PCP systems. (A related notion and its composition properties were discovered independently by Dinur and Reingold. ) Our main technical contribution is a construction of a "length-efficient" Robust PCP. While the new construction uses many of the standard techniques in PCPs, it does differ from previous constructions in fundamental ways, and in particular does not use the "parallelization" step of Arora et al. . The alternative approach may be of independent interest. We also obtain analogous quantitative results for locally testable codes. In addition, we introduce a relaxed notion of locally decodable codes,and present such codes mapping k information bits to code words of length κ1+ε, for any ε0.
机译:我们继续研究PCP长度与查询复杂度之间的取舍,建立了以下主要结果(指的是大小为 n 的电路的可满足性证明):1我们提出了PCP的长度exp(O(log log n 2 )• n ,可以通过使 o (log log n )布尔查询。对于每个ε> 0,我们给出长度为exp(log ε n )• n < / I>可以通过进行恒定数量的布尔查询来验证。在这两种情况下,错误的断言都以恒定的概率被拒绝(可以将其设置为任意接近1)。通过将证明转换为概率可检查的证明而引入的证明长度的乘法开销在第一种情况下(查询复杂度 o (log log n ))和2 (log n )ε,对于任何ε> 0,在第二种情况下(查询复杂度不变)。相反,先前的结果至少需要2 √log n 的长度开销,甚至要获得2 √log n 的查询复杂度。我们的技术包括引入PCP的新变种,我们称之为“ Robust PCP”。这些新的PCP简化了证明组合,这是PCP系统构建中的重要组成部分。 (一个相关的概念及其组成属性是由Dinur和Reingold独立发现的。)我们的主要技术贡献是构建“长度有效”的耐用PCP。尽管新结构在PCP中使用了许多标准技术,但它在根本上与以前的结构有所不同,特别是没有使用Arora等人的“并行化”步骤。 。替代方法可能具有独立利益。我们还获得了本地可测试代码的类似量化结果。此外,我们引入了一种可局部编码的宽松概念,并提出了将 k 个信息比特映射到长度为κ 1 +ε的代码字的代码,对于任何ε> 0 。



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