
Auction algorithms for market equilibrium




In this paper we study algorithms for computing market equilibrium in markets with linear utility functions. The buyers in the market have an initial endowment given by a portfolio of items. The market equilibrium problem is to compute a price vector which ensures market clearing, i. e. the demand of a good equals its supply, and given the prices, each buyer maximizes its utility. The problem is of considerable interest in Economics. This paper presents a formulation of the market equilibrium problem as a parameterized linear program. We construct the dual of these parametrized linear programs. We show that finding the market equilibrium is the same as finding a linear-program from the family of programs where the optimal dual solution satisfies certain properties. The market clearing conditions arise naturally from complementary slackness conditions.We then define an auction mechanism which computes prices such that approximate market clearing is achieved. The algorithm we obtain outperforms previously known methods.
机译:在本文中,我们研究了在具有线性效用函数的市场中计算市场均衡的算法。市场上的购买者具有由项目组合提供的初始given赋。 市场均衡问题是计算确保市场清算的价格向量,即。 e。商品的需求等于其供应,在给定价格的情况下,每个购买者都将其效用最大化。这个问题在经济学中引起了极大的兴趣。本文提出了市场均衡问题的公式化,作为参数化线性程序。我们构造这些参数化线性程序的对偶。我们表明,找到市场均衡与从最优对偶满足某些属性的一系列程序中找到一个线性程序是相同的。市场清算条件自然是由互补的闲置条件引起的,然后我们定义了一种拍卖机制,该机制可以计算价格以实现近似的市场清算。我们获得的算法优于以前已知的方法。



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