首页> 外文会议>;42nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics >An Efficient Algorithm to Induce Minimum Average Lookahead Grammarsfor Incremental LR Parsing

An Efficient Algorithm to Induce Minimum Average Lookahead Grammarsfor Incremental LR Parsing




We define a new learning task, minimum averagelookahead grammar induction, with strong potentialimplications for incremental parsing in NLP andcognitive models. Our thesis is that a suitable learningbias for grammar induction is to minimize thedegree of lookahead required, on the underlyingtenet that language evolution drove grammars to beefficiently parsable in incremental fashion. The inputto the task is an unannotated corpus, plus a nondeterministicconstraining grammar that serves asan abstract model of environmental constraints con-firming or rejecting potential parses. The constraininggrammar typically allows ambiguity and is itselfpoorly suited for an incremental parsing model,since it gives rise to a high degree of nondeterminismin parsing. The learning task, then, is to inducea deterministic LR(k) grammar under whichit is possible to incrementally construct one of thecorrect parses for each sentence in the corpus, suchthat the average degree of lookahead needed to doso is minimized. This is a significantly more dif-ficult optimization problem than merely compilingLR(k) grammars, since k is not specified in advance.Clearly, na(I)ve approaches to this optimizationcan easily be computationally infeasible. However,by making combined use of GLR ancestor tablesand incremental LR table construction methods,we obtain an O(n3 + 2m) greedy approximationalgorithm for this task that is quite efficient inpractice.
机译:我们定义了一个新的学习任务,最低平均 前瞻性语法归纳法,潜力巨大 对NLP中增量解析的影响,以及 认知模型。我们的论点是,适当的学习 语法归纳的偏见是为了最大程度地减少 基础上所需的超前程度 语言进化使语法成为语言的宗旨 有效地以增量方式进行解析。输入 该任务是一个无注释的语料,再加上一个不确定的语料 约束语法 环境约束的抽象模型 坚定或拒绝潜在的分析。约束 语法通常允许歧义,它本身就是 不太适合增量解析模型, 因为它引起高度的不确定性 在解析中。因此,学习任务是诱导 确定性LR(k)语法,在该语法下 可以逐步构造其中之一 为语料库中的每个句子正确解析,例如 需要进行的平均超前度 因此被最小化。这是非常不同的 最优化的问题不仅仅是编译 LR(k)语法,因为没有预先指定k。 显然,仅此一种优化方法 可能在计算上不可行。然而, 通过组合使用GLR祖先表 和递增的LR表构造方法, 我们获得O(n3 + 2m)贪婪近似 该任务的算法在 实践。



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