
Hop-count filtering




IP spoofing has been exploited by Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks to (1) conceal flooding sources and localities in flooding traffic, and (2) coax legitimate hosts into becoming reflectors, redirecting and amplifying flooding traffic. Thus, the ability to filter spoofed IP packets near victims is essential to their own protection as well as to their avoidance of becoming involuntary DoS reflectors. Although an attacker can forge any field in the IP header, he or she cannot falsify the number of hops an IP packet takes to reach its destination. This hop-count information can be inferred from the Time-to-Live (TTL) value in the IP header. Using a mapping between IP addresses and their hop-counts to an Internet server, the server can distinguish spoofed IP packets from legitimate ones. Base on this observation, we present a novel filtering technique that is immediately deployable to weed out spoofed IP packets. Through analysis using network measurement data, we show that Hop-Count Filtering (HCF) can identify close to 90% of spoofed IP packets, and then discard them with little collateral damage. We implement and evaluate HCF in the Linux kernel, demonstrating its benefits using experimental measurements.
机译:IP欺骗已被分布式拒绝服务(DDoS)攻击所利用,以(1)隐藏洪泛流量中的洪泛源和本地,以及(2)诱使合法主机成为反射器,重定向和放大洪泛流量。因此,对受害者附近的欺骗性IP数据包进行过滤的能力对于他们自己的保护以及避免成为非自愿DoS反射器至关重要。尽管攻击者可以伪造IP头中的任何字段,但他或她无法伪造IP数据包到达其目的地所经过的跃点数。可以从IP标头中的生存时间(TTL)值推断出此跃点计数信息。通过使用IP地址及其到Internet服务器的跳数之间的映射,服务器可以将欺骗性的IP数据包与合法的IP数据包区分开。基于此观察,我们提出了一种新颖的过滤技术,该技术可立即部署以清除欺骗性的IP数据包。通过使用网络测量数据进行分析,我们发现 Hop-Count Filtering (HCF)可以识别近90%的欺骗性IP数据包,然后将其丢弃,而不会带来任何附带损害。我们在Linux内核中实现并评估了HCF,并通过实验测量证明了其优势。



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