
The Y-architecture




In this paper, we propose a new on-chip interconnect scheme called Y-architecture, which can utilize the on-chip routing resources more efficiently than traditional Manhattan interconnect architecture by allowing wires routed in three directions (0°, 60°, and 120°). To evaluate the efficiency of different interconnect architectures, we assume mesh structures with uniform communication demand and develop a multi-commodity flow (MCF) approach to model the on-chip communication traffic. We also extend the combinatorial MCF algorithm in [5] to compute the optimal routing resource allocations for different interconnect architectures. The experiments show that: (1) Compared with Manhattan architecture, the Y-architecture demonstrates a throughput improvement of 30.7% for square chip. The throughput of the Y-architecture is only 2.5% smaller than that of X-architecture. (2) A chip with the shape of a convex polygon produces better throughput than a rectangular chip: For Y-architecture, a hexagonal chip provides 41% more throughput than a squared chip using the Manhattan architecture. For Manhattan architecture, a diamond chip achieves a throughput improvement of 19.5% over the squared chip using the same interconnect architecture. (3) Compared with Manhattan architecture, the Y-architecture reduces the wire length of a randomly distributed two pin net by 13.4% and the average wire length of Y-architecture is only 4.3% more than that of the X-architecture.
机译:在本文中,我们提出了一种新的称为Y架构的片上互连方案,该方案可以通过允许在三个方向(0°,60°和120)布线,从而比传统的曼哈顿互连体系结构更有效地利用片上路由资源°)。为了评估不同互连架构的效率,我们假设网状结构具有统一的通信需求,并开发了一种多商品流(MCF)方法来对片上通信流量进行建模。我们还扩展了[5]中的组合MCF算法,以计算针对不同互连体系结构的最佳路由资源分配。实验表明:(1)与曼哈顿架构相比,Y架构的平方芯片吞吐量提高了30.7%。 Y架构的吞吐量仅比X架构小2.5%。 (2)具有凸多边形形状的芯片产生的吞吐量要比矩形芯片更好:对于Y架构,六角形芯片的吞吐量比使用Manhattan架构的正方形芯片的吞吐量高41%。对于曼哈顿体系结构,与使用相同互连体系结构的平方芯片相比,菱形芯片的吞吐量提高了19.5%。 (3)与曼哈顿架构相比,Y架构将随机分布的两针网的线长减少了13.4%,Y架构的平均线长仅比X架构多4.3%。



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