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Arbitrary long digit integer sorter HW/SW co-design




The coming of multimedia era and information security era indicates that must process longer digit integer data. Previous sort researches focus on pure performance of large amount of finite fixed digit/bit number. This paper discusses on effectively solving arbitrary long digit integer sorting problem by HW/SW co-design under the Area x Time2 (AT2) price-performance constraint. The work proposes multi-level (two-level) sort architecture to attain the object: an accomplished fixed-digit (k-bit) hardware sorter implements the first or basic level sorting, software programmed radix 2k sort implements the second or higher level sorting. By Super Radix Sorting HW/SW co-design and reuse techniques, the work makes fixed-digit HW sorters more flexible and useful.
机译:多媒体时代和信息安全时代的到来表明必须处理更长位数的整数数据。先前的研究集中在大量有限固定位数/位数的纯性能上。本文讨论了在面积x时间 2 (AT 2 )价格性能约束下,通过硬件/软件协同设计有效解决任意长数字整数排序问题。该工作提出了一种多级(两级)排序架构来实现该目标:一个完成的固定位数(k位)硬件排序器实现了第一级或基本级排序,软件编程的基数2 k sort实现第二级或更高级别的排序。通过Super Radix分拣硬件/软件的协同设计和重用技术,这项工作使固定位数的硬件分拣器更加灵活和有用。



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