首页> 外文会议>International symposium on Symbolic and algebraic computation >Simplification of definite sums of rational functions by creative symmetrizing method

Simplification of definite sums of rational functions by creative symmetrizing method




We propose a strategy for simplification of definite sums of rational functions which, for a given input rational function F(n, k), constructs two rational functions G(n) and T(n, k) such that∑k=0nF(n, k) = G(n) + ∑k=0nT(n, k),where the degree of the denominator w.r.t. k of T(n, k) is "small". The strategy is based on well-known algorithms which solve the indefinite sum of rational functions and on the creative symmetrizing method. It provides a tool for finding closed forms for some instances of definite sums of rational functions where Zeilberger's creative telescoping method is not applicable.
机译:我们提出了一种简化有理函数的确定和的策略,对于给定的输入有理函数 F n,k ),它构造了两个有理函数 G < / I>( n )和 T n,k )使得∑ k = 0 n F n,k )= G (< I> n )+ ∑ k = 0 n T n,k ),其中分母的度数wrt T n,k )的 k 为“小”。该策略基于解决有理函数的不确定和的著名算法以及新颖的对称方法。它提供了一种工具,用于在不适用Zeilberger的创造性伸缩方法的情况下,为某些确定的有理函数和实例查找闭合形式。



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