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Network-based Flood Quick Reporting System Using Remote Sensing




Flood happens frequently every year in China. How to control and mitigate the flood efficiently is the most urgent problem for Chinese government. One of the most significant ways is to improve the capabilities of flood early warning, flood controlling and mitigation, rescuing, reconstruction planning for disaster areas. However, there is still no operational system for these demands. For this reason, the Institute of Remote Sensing Applications, CAS and State Information Center of China have cooperatively developed a Network-Based Flood Quick Reporting System Using Remote Sensing (NFQRS/URS) since 1996. The system distributes flood information to government, organizations and the public by network on time. It plays a great role in controlling and mitigating floods occurring since 1996, especially in the middle and lower Yangtze River, Nen River and Songhua River in 1998. This paper will introduce the system in detail.
机译:中国每年洪水泛滥。如何有效控制和减轻洪水是中国政府最迫切的问题。最重要的方法之一是提高洪水预警,防洪减灾,抢险,灾区重建规划的能力。但是,仍然没有针对这些需求的操作系统。为此,自1996年以来,中国科学院遥感应用研究所和国家信息中心合作开发了基于网络的遥感快速报告系统(NFQRS / URS)。该系统将洪水信息分发给政府,组织和机构。通过网络按时向公众开放。它在控制和缓解1996年以来发生的洪水(尤其是1998年的中下游长江,嫩江和松花江)中发挥着重要作用。本文将详细介绍该系统。



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