首页> 外文会议>Annual ACM/IEEE international symposium on Microarchitecture;ACM/IEEE international symposium on Microarchitecture >Saving energy with architectural and frequency adaptations for multimedia applications

Saving energy with architectural and frequency adaptations for multimedia applications




Micro continues to be the major forum for conceptual ideas andrelevant studies for optimal processing, both in microarchitectureand in the compiler technology that is equally critical. It isfitting that we hold the conference in Austin, one of the leadingcenters, both academic and industrial, for the development of thistechnology. At The University of Texas at Austin, we havesubstantive, relevant research going on in two departments,Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science. In thelocal companies, we have some of the world's leading cutting- edgeprocessors being developed. The Austin ecosystem benefits from thesymbiotic activities of both. If you are new to Austin, I hope youwill make time to visit the University and some of the Austincompanies.>The program committee, Josh Fisher and Paolo Faraboschipresiding, have put together an outstanding program that deals withnot only current critical problems, but also expected futurerequirements. I hope you find the papers useful to your needs. Weare particularly fortunate to have two excellent Keynote Speakers,Harvey Cragon and Andy Wolfe. Harvey has been doingmicroarchitecture since before many of you were born. He isresponsible for, among other things, the Texas Instruments AdvancedScientific Computer. lie is an Eckert-Mauchly Award winner, a PioreMedal winner, member of the National Academy of Engineering, and aformer endowed Chair at The University of Texas at Austin. Andy isSenior Vice President and CTO at SONICblue where he is responsiblefor product strategy and for mergers and acquisitions. He taught atPrinceton from 1991-1997 and is currently a Consulting Professor atStanford. He is on the advisory boards of several companies. We aredelighted that both accepted our invitation to participate inMicro-34.>Also, we have continued the tradition of workshops and tutorialsthe weekend before the actual symposium. Scott Mahlke, theWorkshop/Tutorials chairman, has put together a collection of 4workshops and 3 tutorials on timely state of the art matters. Ihope you take advantage of them, as well.>I recognize the danger in holding Micro-34 so close to 6thstreet and Town Lake. Austin is well-known for its live music,excellent restaurants, and year-round outdoor activities. Beforeyou arrived, I hope you produced a static schedule for yourattention units that saves 6th Street for Tuesday evening andWednesday after 2pm. I realize that dynamic scheduling could alterthat, so I wish you the wisdom to make the correct dynamicscheduling decisions during the next few days.>This 34th year of the symposium confirms Micro's stature as thepremier technical forum on microarchitecture. Once again, we puttogether an exciting program that highlights emerging research inhigh-performance processor microarchitecture, instruction-levelparallelism, and compiler optimization.>Continuing the trends of the last few years, embedded computingand energy efficiency cover a significant fraction of the program.To give you an idea of the growing importance of this, about 25percent of the submitted papers had the word 'Energy' or 'Power' intheir titles.>As usual, Micro attracted some of the best contributions fromboth academia and industry in the form of 144 high-quality papers-- yet another all-time record for Micro. This presented a verychallenging task to the program committee, whose job was to selectthe best papers among those received. Twenty-nine experts fromacademia and industry composed the program committee.>The entire process -- from author registration to papersubmission, reviews collection and rebuttals -- was organized in anSQL database hosted by the University of Colorado. Special thanksgo to Dan Connors, who personally administered the web site, andwhose efforts were central to the success of the programcommittee.>The quality of the review process and the diligence of reviewersis a key factor in the success of a conference. Includingthemselves, the program committee members recruited 431 referees togenerate the 872reviews used in the paper selection process. Thisamounts to an average of 6.05 reviews per paper, with all but a fewpapers receiving at least five reviews. This year, we introduced anew step in the review process that enabled authors to provide ashort rebuttal to the reviews before the paper selection phase. Theauthors' response was widely used during the program committee tohelp clarify many doubts. Despite the additional complexity that itadded to the process, it was unanimously considered a successfulexperiment and a significant improvement to the review process.>Twenty-one Program Committee members met in an MIT conferenceroom (Cambridge, Mass.) on August 11, and spent about eleven hoursto select the 29 papers that compose the Micro-34 program. Webelieve that these papers contain important ideas and results thatwill contribute to future successful research and productdevelopment efforts.

程序委员会Josh Fisher和Paolo Faraboschipresiding共同制定了一项出色的计划,不仅处理当前问题,关键问题,但也有未来的需求。希望您发现对您的需求有用的文件。我们非常荣幸有两位出色的主题演讲者,哈维·克雷贡(Harvey Cragon)和安迪·沃尔夫(Andy Wolfe)。从你们许多人出生之前开始,Harvey就开始从事微体系结构的研究。他负责德州仪器(TI)的AdvancedScientific计算机。 lie是Eckert-Mauchly奖得主,PioreMedal奖得主,美国国家工程院院士以及得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的前主持人。 Andy是SONICblue的高级副总裁兼CTO,他负责产品战略以及并购。他从1991年至1997年在普林斯顿大学(Princeton)任教,目前是斯坦福大学(Stanford)的顾问教授。他是多家公司的顾问委员会成员。我们很高兴双方都接受了邀请参加Micro-34。

此外,我们在实际座谈会之前的一个周末继续了讲习班和教程的传统。车间/教程主席Scott Mahlke汇集了4个车间和3个有关最新技术状况的教程的集合。希望您也能利用它们。

我认识到将Micro-34握在如此靠近第六街和Town Lake的危险。奥斯丁以现场音乐表演,一流的餐厅和全年的户外活动而闻名。希望在您到达之前,为您的注意力单元制定一个静态时间表,该时间表可保存星期二晚上和下午2点之后的第六街。我意识到动态调度可能会改变这种情况,因此,我希望您在接下来的几天里能够做出正确的动态调度决策。




整个过程-从作者注册到论文提交,评论收集和反驳-都组织在科罗拉多大学托管的anSQL数据库中。特别感谢亲自管理该网站的Dan Connors,他的努力对于计划委员会的成功至关重要。会议。程序委员会成员包括他们自己在内,招募了431名裁判员,以生成论文选择过程中使用的872条评论。平均每篇论文达到6.05条评论,除少数几篇之外的所有其他论文至少获得了5条评论。今年,我们在审稿过程中引入了新的步骤,使作者能够在论文选拔阶段之前对审稿进行简短的反驳。在程序委员会中,作者的回答被广泛使用,以帮助澄清许多疑问。尽管增加了该过程的复杂性,但它还是被认为是一项成功的实验,并且对审查过程进行了重大改进。

21个程序委员会成员在麻省理工学院的会议室(麻省剑桥)举行了会议。 8月11日,花了大约11个小时来选择构成Micro-34程序的29篇论文。 Webelieve认为这些论文包含重要的思想和结果,这些思想和结果将有助于未来成功的研究和产品开发工作。



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