
The global impact of eBooks on ePublishing




The advent of eBooks and electronic publishing is changing not only the North American publishing industry but Europe as well. In Europe, many publishers are embracing the ePublishing industry as well as companies which have emerged to develop tools and web sites to develop and sell eBooks, not only in the European Union but in North America.In Asia, the electronic book industry is fueled by two industries: manufacturers who are developing hardware devices to read eBooks and content providers who are publishing specific formats.In developing nations, the potential of eBooks is equivalent to the impact of wireless phone technology on communications.This paper is organized into these sections which support the premise that eBooks will impact publishing, world-wide: 1) Overview; 2) Technology; 3) Publishing Models; 4) Books On Demand; and 5) World Libraries. Throughout this paper, the term eBooks is used to represent eBooks.Portions of this presentation were excerpted from electronic Books and ePublishing, Springer-Verlag London, 2001, ISBN 1-85233-435-5. Information about the book can be obtained at www.chartula.com http://www.chartula.com, which is maintained by this author of this paper.
机译:电子书和电子出版的出现不仅改变了北美出版业,而且也在改变着欧洲。在欧洲,不仅在欧盟而且在北美,许多出版商都在拥抱电子出版行业以及新兴的开发工具和网站以开发和销售电子书的公司。两个行业:正在开发用于阅读电子书的硬件设备的制造商和正在发布特定格式的内容提供商。在发展中国家,电子书的潜力等同于无线电话技术对通信的影响。在全球范围内,电子书会影响出版的前提是:1)概述; 2)技术; 3)发布模型; 4)按需图书; 5)世界图书馆。整篇文章中,“电子书”一词均代表电子书。本演示文稿的部分摘录于电子书和电子出版,伦敦,Springer-Verlag,2001,ISBN 1-85233-435-5。有关本书的信息,请访问 www.chartula.com http://www.chartula.com ,该文件由本文作者维护。



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