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Development and Optimisation of a Flood Protection System by the Use of Model Tests




The Szentgotthard Flood Protection Project is located in the southeastern part ofAustria, very close to the Hungarian border and to the Hungarian town of Szentgotthardsituated near the junction of the rivers Lafnitz and Raab. During heavy rainstorms, thisarea has always been liable to severe floodings, affecting the town itself and upstreamreaches, where major industrial and commercial development is planned.In order to solve these problems, several solutions have been developed by means of aseries of model tests performed at the hydraulic laboratory of the Technical University ofGraz, Austria. The model was constructed to scales 1:75 (lengths) and 1:25 (heights).This trebled scale allowed greater accuracy in the measurement of discharge depths.The results from the model tests have led to the following proposals:(1) Construction of a flood relief trough with an inflow section 3.5 km upstream of thejunction of the rivers Lafnitz and Raab.(2) Use of a former river bed for the flood relief trough.(3) Design of a lowered embankment crest section to pass one-third of the maximumflood flow of the river Lafnitz.(4) Connection of the flood relief trough to the Lahnbach stream, a tributary of the riverRaab.
机译:Szentgotthard防洪项目位于该州的东南部 奥地利,非常靠近匈牙利边境和匈牙利小镇桑戈塔德(Szentgotthard) 位于拉夫尼茨河和拉布河交界处附近。在暴雨期间,这 该地区向来容易遭受严重洪灾,影响到城镇本身和上游地区 到达计划进行重大工业和商业发展的地方。 为了解决这些问题,已经通过一种方法开发了几种解决方案。 在美国技术大学的水力实验室进行的一系列模型测试 奥地利格拉茨。该模型的构建比例为1:75(长度)和1:25(高度)。 这种三倍刻度使放电深度的测量具有更高的精度。 模型测试的结果提出了以下建议: (1)建造一个泄洪槽,其入流段位于水坝上游3.5 km处。 拉夫尼茨河和拉布河的交汇处。 (2)使用以前的河床作为泄洪槽。 (3)设计降低的路堤波峰部分,使其超过最大高度的三分之一 拉夫尼茨河的洪水流量。 (4)泄洪槽与拉恩巴赫河(河的支流)的连接 Raab。



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