首页> 外文会议>International conference on the Israel society for ecology and environmental quality sciences >Denitrification of groundwater: pilot-plant testing of cotton-packed bioreactor and post-microfiltration

Denitrification of groundwater: pilot-plant testing of cotton-packed bioreactor and post-microfiltration




The use of raw cotton as carbon source in the denitrification of drinking water was tested in a field pilot-plant. The reactor treated water from a well in which the concentration of nitrate varied from 22 mg N l~(-1) in summer to a minimum of 9 mg l~(-1) in winter. The experimental reactor had a capacity of approximately 9m~3 and could be packed with up to 1500 kg of unprocessed cotton. The highest rate of denitrification observed was 0.36 kg N m~(-3) d~(-1), at a feed rate of 6 m~3 h~(-1). However, this performance could be sustained only temporarily as the relatively high water pressure caused serious compression of the bed. The long-term (six months) performance of the system was studied at feed rates of 0.8 and 1.5 m~3 h~(-1). The process was stable and 80-100
机译:在现场试验工厂中测试了使用原棉作为饮用水脱硝中的碳源。反应器处理了井中的水,硝酸盐的浓度从夏季的22 mg N l〜(-1)变化到冬季的最低9 mg l〜(-1)。实验反应堆的容量约为9m〜3,可以装满1500公斤未加工的棉花。进料速度为6 m〜3 h〜(-1)时,观察到的最高反硝化速率为0.36 kg N m〜(-3)d〜(-1)。但是,由于相对较高的水压会导致床层严重压缩,因此只能暂时维持此性能。在0.8和1.5 m〜3 h〜(-1)的进料速度下研究了系统的长期(六个月)性能。工艺稳定且80-100



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