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Analysis of Sugarcane Yield Productivity Trends In The Wet Tropics At A District Level




Data on tonnes of sugarcane per hectare (TCH) are now available to asses varietal improvement over time on a district basis. This study was conducted to develop a methodology for regular analysis of productivity data for mill districts to assess productivity trends over time. adjusted for variety and variety X environment interaction effects. In a 1996 Sugar Research and Development Corporation Report, Leslie and Wilson investigated district level data using a single varietal indexign method. This methodology was found to be subjective in the selection and calibration of the reference varieties. restricted maximum likelihood (REML) methodology, a more rigorous analysis for distric level data, was used to overcome this subjectivity. Best linear unbiased predictors (BLUPs) for random effects and best linear unbiased estimates (BLUEs) for fixed effects were computed for he mixed model analysis. Two analyses were conducted using combined district data and separate district data .Varieties were ranked according to their BLUP values, and district trends in TCH were plotted for the period 1958-1995. In the combined analysis, the BLUPs for TCH for each variety have shown little improvement since the introduction of Q99 in 1976. Separate district analyses indicated more recent advances in Babinda and Tully, but not Mulgrave. In general, the district production estimates from the separate district analyses were similar to those from the combined district analysis. Overall production of TCH in each district has increased over time, in part because a greater proportion of the area in the regions has been allocated better yielding varieties.
机译:现在可获得有关每公顷甘蔗吨数(TCH)的数据,以评估各地区随时间推移的品种改良情况。进行这项研究的目的是开发一种方法,用于定期分析工厂地区的生产率数据,以评估一段时间内的生产率趋势。针对品种和品种X环境的交互效果进行了调整。在1996年制糖研究与开发公司的报告中,莱斯利和威尔逊使用单一品种索引方法研究了地区水平的数据。发现该方法在参考品种的选择和校准中是主观的。受限最大似然(REML)方法是对分布式数据的更严格分析,用于克服这种主观性。混合模型分析计算出随机效应的最佳线性无偏预测因子(BLUP)和固定效应的最佳线性无偏估计(BLUE)。使用合并的地区数据和单独的地区数据进行了两次分析,根据变量的BLUP值对变量进行排名,并绘制了1958-1995年期间TCH的地区趋势。在组合分析中,自1976年推出Q99以来,每个品种的TCH BLUP几乎没有改善。单独的地区分析表明Babinda和Tully的最新进展,但Mulgrave没有。一般而言,来自单独区域分析的区域生产估算与来自组合区域分析的估计相似。随着时间的流逝,每个地区的TCH总体产量有所增加,部分原因是该地区更大比例的地区被分配了更好的产量品种。



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