首页> 外文会议>International in situ and on-site bioremediation symposium >In Situ Remediation of Oil Spills in Ice-Packed Waters: Enhanced Dispersion and Biodegradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons

In Situ Remediation of Oil Spills in Ice-Packed Waters: Enhanced Dispersion and Biodegradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons




There are anticipated increases in marine traffic in the Arctic due to climate change (e.g., extension of the open water season for the Northwest Passage) and industrial operations (e.g., offshore oil and gas exploration/production activities). As a result, the public, industry and regulatory resource managers have demanded improvements in oil spill countermeasures for use in cold regions and ice-covered waters. A novel remediation technique for oil spills in these waters has been proposed based on applying clay mineral particles and the provision of mixing energy from propeller-wash to promote the formation of oil-mineral aggregates (OMA). Results from previous work in the laboratory and field have shown that the formation of OMA is associated with enhanced oil dispersion and degradation. To evaluate the feasibility of this in situ dispersion/ bioremediation strategy in ice-covered waters, a field study was conducted with a Canadian Coast Guard ice-breaker in the St. Lawrence River Estuary (offshore of Matane, Quebec, Canada) in the winter of 2007-2008. The effectiveness of the proposed treatment strategy was evaluated by monitoring the temporal and spatial dynamic changes of petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations and investigating the rate/extent of biodegradation of the petroleum hydrocarbons. Field samples were recovered to set up microcosms in the laboratory to monitor for the biodegradation of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH). Results from the analysis of these samples using Gas Chromatography/ Flame Ionization Detection (GC/FID) and Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) shows that with hopane normalization, almost 60% of the TPH had been degraded after 56 days incubation at low temperature (0.5°C). The results from this field trial support further research to evaluate the feasibility of this technique as an operational oil spill countermeasure under a wide range of environmental conditions and to determine the fate and effects of the petroleum hydrocarbons entrained in OMA in the aquatic environment.
机译:由于气候变化(例如,西北通道的开放水季节)和工业运营(例如,海上石油和天然气勘探/生产活动),北极海洋交通预计会增加。因此,公众,行业和监管资源管理人员要求在寒冷地区和冰覆盖水域使用的石油泄漏对策。基于施加粘土矿物颗粒和从螺旋桨洗涤的促进能量,提出了这些水中的新型溢流技术,并从螺旋桨洗涤促进油矿物聚集体(OMA)的形成。在实验室和领域的先前工作的结果表明,OMA的形成与增强的油分散和降解相关。为了评估这一点在冰雪覆盖的水域原位分散/生物修复研究的可行性,实地研究与冬天里的一加拿大海岸警卫队破冰船在圣劳伦斯河河口(离岸马塔内,加拿大魁北克)进行2007-2008。通过监测石油烃浓度的时间和空间动态变化并研究石油烃的生物降解的速率/程度来评估所提出的治疗策略的有效性。回收现场样品以在实验室中设置微观微观,以监测总石油总烃(TPH)的生物降解。通过气相色谱/火焰离子化检测(GC / FID)和气相色谱/质谱(GC / MS)分析这些样品的分析表明,随着啤酒料标准化,在56天孵育后,近60%的TPH在低温(0.5°C)。该实地试验的结果支持进一步的研究,以评估该技术在各种环境条件下作为运营漏油对策的可行性,并确定在水生环境中录制在OMA中的石油烃的命运和影响。



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