首页> 外文会议>SPE European petroleum conference;EUROPEC'98 >Critical requirements for successful fluid endineering in HPHT wells: modeling tools, design procedures bottom hole pressure management in the field

Critical requirements for successful fluid endineering in HPHT wells: modeling tools, design procedures bottom hole pressure management in the field




THis paper presents deveopments in the management of drilling fluids for use in high-pressure, high-temperature (HPHT) wells, especially a process that includes both a methodology for the management of bottom hole mud pressure and the use of modeling software that enables it. The developments have contributed to the success of four HPHT wells in the UKCS Central Graben. This paper discusses three essential elements for s uccessful fludi enineering during HPHT drilling operations: an accurate hydraulics program couple with a temperature simulator procedures for design and planning bottom-hole pressure management in the field
机译:本文介绍了用于高压高温(HPHT)井的钻井液管理的发展,特别是一种既包括管理井底泥浆压力的方法学,又包括使之能够使用的建模软件的过程。 。这些进展为UKCS Central Graben的四口HPHT井的成功做出了贡献。本文讨论了在HPHT钻井作业中成功进行流体工程设计的三个基本要素:精确的液压程序以及温度模拟器程序,用于现场设计和规划井底压力管理



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