
Modeling program predictability




Basic properties of program predictability --- for both values and control --- are defined and studied. We take the view that program predictability originates at certain points during a program's execution, flows through subsequent instructions, and then ends at other points in the program. These key components of predictability: generation, propagation, and termination; are defined in terms of a model. The model is based on a graph derived from dynamic data dependences and a predictor.Using the SPEC95 benchmarks, we analyze the predictability phenomena both separately and in combination. Examples are provided to illustrate relationships between model-based characteristics and program constructs. It is shown that most predictability derives from program control structure and immediate values, not program input data. Furthermore, most predictability originates from a relatively small number of generate points. The analysis of obtained results suggests a number of ramifications regarding predictability and its use.
机译:定义并研究了程序可预测性的基本属性-包括值和控制-。我们认为程序的可预测性起源于程序执行过程中的某些点,流经后续指令,然后终止于程序中的其他点。这些可预测性的关键组成部分是:生成,传播,终止; 是根据模型进行定义的。该模型基于从动态数据依赖关系和预测变量得出的图形。使用SPEC95基准,我们分别或组合分析了可预测性现象。提供示例以说明基于模型的特征与程序构造之间的关系。结果表明,大多数可预测性来自程序控制结构和即时值,而不是程序输入数据。此外,大多数可预测性源于相对较少的生成点。对获得的结果的分析表明,关于可预测性及其使用,存在许多分歧。



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