首页> 外文会议>Conference on medical imaging >Offset-Sparsity Decomposition for Enhancement of Color Microscopic Image of Stained Specimen in Histopathology: Further Results

Offset-Sparsity Decomposition for Enhancement of Color Microscopic Image of Stained Specimen in Histopathology: Further Results

机译:偏移 - 稀疏分解,用于增强组织病理学中染色标本的颜色微观图像:进一步的结果



Recently, novel data-driven offset-sparsity decomposition (OSD) method was proposed by us to increase colorimetric difference between tissue-structures present in the color microscopic image of stained specimen in histopathology. The OSD method performs additive decomposition of vectorized spectral images into image-adapted offset term and sparse term. Thereby, the sparse term represents an enhanced image. The method was tested on images of the histological slides of human liver stained with hematoxylin and eosin, anti-CD34 monoclonal antibody and Sudan Ⅲ. Herein, we present further results related to increase of colorimetric difference between tissue structures present in the images of human liver specimens with pancreatic carcinoma metastasis stained with Gomori, CK7, CDX2 and LCA, and with colon carcinoma metastasis stained with Gomori, CK20 and PAN CK. Obtained relative increase of colorimetric difference is in the range [19.36%, 103.94%].
机译:最近,通过我们提出了新的数据驱动偏移 - 稀疏分解(OSD)方法,以增加组织病理学染色样本中染色样本中存在的组织结构之间的比色差异。 OSD方法将矢量化光谱图像的添加分解成图像适应的偏移项和稀疏术语。由此,稀疏术语表示增强图像。该方法在用苏木精和曙红,抗CD34单克隆抗体和苏丹染色的人肝的组织学载玻片的图像上进行测试。在此,我们介绍了与用Gomori,CK7,CDX2和LCA染色的人肝标本中存在的人肝标本的图像中存在的组织结构增加相关的结果,并用Gomori,CK20和PAN CK染色结肠癌转移。获得的比色差异的相对升高在于[19.36%,103.94%]。



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