
The Predictive Toxicology Evaluation Challenge




Can an AI program contribute to scientific discovery? An area where where this gauntlet has been thrown is that of understanding the mechanisms of chemical carcinogenesis. One approach is to obtain Structure-Activity Relation-ships (SARs) relating molecular structure to cancerous activity. Vital to this are the rodent carcinogenicity tests conducted within the US National Toxicology Program by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS). This has resulted in a large database of compounds classified as carcinogens or otherwise. The Predictive-Toxicology Evalaution project of the NIEHS provides the opportunity to compare carcinogenicity predictions on previously untested chemicals. This presents a formidable challenges for programs concerned with knowledge discovery. Desirable features of this problem are: (1) involvement in genuine scientific discovery; (2) availability of a large database with expert-certified classifications; (3) strong competition from methods used by chemists; and (4) participation in true blind trials, with results available by next IJCAI. We describe the materials and methods constituting this challenge, and provide some initial benchmarks. These show the Inductive Logic Programming tool Progol to be competitive with current state-of-the-art. The challenge described here is aimed at encouraging AI programs to avail themselves the opportunity of contributing to an enterprise with immediate sicentific value.
机译:人工智能程序可以促进科学发现吗?引发这种挑战的领域是了解化学致癌机制。一种方法是获得将分子结构与癌活性联系起来的结构-活性关系(SAR)。至关重要的是由美国国家环境卫生科学研究所(NIEHS)在美国国家毒理学计划内进行的啮齿动物致癌性测试。这样就形成了一个庞大的化合物数据库,这些数据库被归类为致癌物或其他致癌物。 NIEHS的预测毒理学评估项目提供了机会,可以比较以前未经测试的化学物质的致癌性预测。这给与知识发现有关的程序提出了巨大的挑战。该问题的理想特征是:(1)参与真正的科学发现; (2)具有经过专家认证的分类的大型数据库的可用性; (3)与化学家所采用方法的激烈竞争; (4)参加真正的盲法试验,下一个IJCAI将提供结果。我们描述构成这一挑战的材料和方法,并提供一些初始基准。这些说明了归纳逻辑编程工具Progol与当前的最新技术具有竞争力。这里描述的挑战旨在鼓励AI程序利用自己的机会为具有即时科学价值的企业做出贡献。



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