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Recycle as an alternative to algal TSS and BOD removal from an industrial waste stabilization pond system




Reuse of wastewater is acquiring a more important role in the overall concept of water conservation management. Increasingly, reports of new applications of methods for reclaiming this vital resource appear to confirm this subject. Industrial wastewater resue is among those sources being considered more frequently.~(1, 2) Information on industrial waste stabilization pond (WSP) effluent recycling or reuse for cooling water purposes is virtually nonexistent. Oswald~3 has shown that, with proper design, industrial WSPs can achieve tertiary or even quaternary level effluent quality. An earlier study~4 demonstrated that degradation enhancement could be achieved in a series of industrial WSPs by recycling a portion of the secondary pond to the primary WSP in-fluent with pH adjustment and phosphorus addition.
机译:废水的再利用在节水管理的总体概念中发挥着越来越重要的作用。越来越多的关于回收这种重要资源的方法的新应用的报告似乎证实了这一主题。工业废水的残留是其中更经常被考虑的来源之一。〜(1,2)实际上不存在有关工业废水稳定池(WSP)废水回收或再利用以用于冷却水的信息。 Oswald〜3表明,通过适当的设计,工业污水处理厂可以达到第三级甚至第四级的出水水质。一项较早的研究〜4证明,通过调节pH和添加磷,将一部分二级池回收到一级进水WSP,可以在一系列工业级WSP中实现降解的提高。



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