首页> 外文会议>International SAMPE symposium and exhibition >The Effect of Wetf Exposure onthe Tensile Overlap Shear Strength of Epoxy/Fiberglass Composite Bonded To Stainless Steel Using a Toughened Epoxy Paste Adhesive

The Effect of Wetf Exposure onthe Tensile Overlap Shear Strength of Epoxy/Fiberglass Composite Bonded To Stainless Steel Using a Toughened Epoxy Paste Adhesive




The Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU) or Shuttle spacesuit is used by NASA for astronaut training inthe Weightless Environment Training Facility (WETF). The WETF enviornment is significantly different from the space environment the suit expweriences in service. Prolonged exposure to this warm, wet environment has been shown to degrade the adhesive joints inthe Hard upper Torso Shell (HTS). This paper presnts the results of a 16 week exposure to a simulated WETF environment of the new Planar HTS materials of construction; Fiberite MXB 7701/7781 epoxy fiberglass composite bonded to 347 stainless steel using Hysol XEA 9360 toughened epoxy paste compared with the existing pivoted HTS design which uses Hysol EA 934 NA epoxy to bond Hitco P604C polyester fiberglass composite to chrome plated stainless stell. The results show a dramatic improvement inthe initial lap shear stength of the new HUT materials compared to the existing materialsl Exposure to the WETF environment resulted ina gradual decline in strength that was associated iwth a change in failure mode from cohesive to adhesive at the stainless stell interface.
机译:美国国家航空航天局(NASA)使用机外机动部队(EMU)或航天飞机航天服在失重环境训练设施(WETF)中进行宇航员训练。 WETF的环境与西装服役中的太空环境有很大不同。长时间暴露于这种温暖潮湿的环境中已显示,该物质会破坏硬质上部躯干外壳(HTS)中的粘合点。本文介绍了新的Planar HTS建筑材料在模拟的WETF环境中暴露16周的结果;与现有的枢轴HTS设计相比,Fiberite MXB 7701/7781环氧玻璃纤维复合材料使用Hysol XEA 9360增韧环氧浆料粘合到347不锈钢,而现有的枢轴HTS设计使用Hysol EA 934 NA环氧树脂将Hitco P604C聚酯玻璃纤维复合材料粘合到镀铬不锈钢上。结果表明,与现有材料相比,新的HUT材料的初始搭接剪切强度有了显着改善。暴露于WETF环境导致强度逐渐下降,这与不锈钢界面处的破坏模式从内聚性转变为胶粘剂有关。



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