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Two techniques for on-line index modification in shared nothing parallel databases




Whenever data is moved across nodes in the parallel database system, the indexes need to be modified too. Index modification overhead can be quite severe because there can be a large number of indexes on a relation. In this paper, we study two alternatives to index modification, namely OAT (One-At-a-Time page movement) and BULK (bulk page movement). OAT and BULK are two extremes on the spectrum of the granularity of data movement. OAT and BULK differ in two respects: first, OAT uses very little additional disk space (at most one extra page), whereas BULK uses a large amount of disk space. Second, BULK uses sequential prefetch I/O to optimize on the number of I/Os during index modification, while OAT does not. Using an experimental testbed, we show that BULK is an order of magnitude faster than OAT. In terms of the impact on transaction performance during reorganization, BULK and OAT perform differently: when the number of indexes to be modified is either one or two, OAT has a lesser impact on thetransaction performance degradation. However, when the number of indexes is greater than two, both techniques have the same impact on transaction performance.
机译:每当数据在并行数据库系统中的节点之间移动时,索引也需要修改。索引修改开销可能非常严重,因为关系上可能存在大量索引。在本文中,我们研究了索引修改的两种替代方法,即OAT(一次一次页面移动)和BULK(批量页面移动)。 OAT和BULK是数据移动粒度范围内的两个极端。 OAT和BULK在两个方面有所不同:首先,OAT使用很少的额外磁盘空间(最多一个额外的页面),而BULK使用大量的磁盘空间。其次,BULK使用顺序预取I / O来优化索引修改期间的I / O数量,而OAT则不这样做。使用实验性测试平台,我们表明BULK比OAT快一个数量级。就重组期间对事务性能的影响而言,BULK和OAT的表现不同:当要修改的索引数为一或两个时,OAT对事务性能下降的影响较小。但是,当索引数大于两个时,两种技术对事务性能的影响相同。



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