
Supporting systolic and memory communication in iWarp




iWarp is a parallel architecture developed jointly by Carnegie Mellon University and Intel Corporation. The iWarp communication system supports two widely used interprocessor communication styles: memory communication and systolic communication. This paper describes the rationale, architecture, and implementation for the iWarp communication system.

The sending or receiving processor of a message can perform either memory or systolic communication. In memory communication, the entire message is buffered in the local memory of the processor before it is transmitted or after it is received. Therefore communication begins or terminates at the local memory. For conventional message passing methods, both sending and receiving processors use memory communication. In systolic communication, individual data items are transferred as they are produced, or are used as they are received, by the program running at the processor. Memory communication is flexible and well suited for general computing; whereas systolic communication is efficient and well suited for speed critical applications.

A major achievement of the iWarp effort is the derivation of a common design to satisfy the requirements of both systolic and memory communication styles. This is made possible by two important innovations in communication: (1) program access to communication and (2) logical channels. The former allows programs to access data as they are transmitted and to redirect portions of messages to different destinations efficiently. The latter increases the connectivity between the processors and guarantees communication bandwidth for classes of messages. These innovations have provided a focus for the iWarp architecture. The result is a communication system that provides a total bandwidth of 320 MBytes/sec and that is integrated on a single VLSI component with a 20 MFLOPS plus 20 MIPS long instruction word computation engine.


iWarp是由卡内基·梅隆大学和英特尔公司共同开发的并行体系结构。 iWarp通信系统支持两种广泛使用的处理器间通信方式:内存通信收缩通信。本文介绍了iWarp通信系统的原理,体系结构和实现。


iWarp的一项主要成就是推出了一种通用设计,可以同时满足心脏收缩和记忆沟通方式的要求。通讯方面的两项重要创新使之成为可能:(1)程序对通讯的访问以及(2)逻辑通道。前者允许程序在传输数据时访问数据,并将消息的某些部分有效地重定向到不同的目的地。后者增加了处理器之间的连接性,并保证了消息类别的通信带宽。这些创新为iWarp架构提供了重点。这样一来,该通信系统的总带宽为320 MBytes / sec,并集成在具有20 MFLOPS和20 MIPS长指令字计算引擎的单个VLSI组件中。


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