
Road User Safety Women's Issues




Summary and Research NeedsAn overview of vehicle crash trends and patterns in the United States shows that currently the rates of driver licensing of men and women are about equal. Among drivers over age 70, the number of women licensed to drive exceeds that of men. Overall, women drive fewermiles than men. The number of people killed in vehicle-related crashes and the per capita rate of these deaths is much lower for women than for men. When exposure in terms of VMT is considered, women's and men's fatal crash involvements follow the same U-shaped age pattern, that is, high for young ages, lowest through the middle ages, and increasing again starting at about age 65. Overall, the fatal involvement rate for women is lower than for men. However, in some years, the rate for women exceeded that for men in a few of the older age categories. This may be just a spurious effect or part of a new trend as the gender mix of the older driving population changes.Women engage in less risky driving behaviors than men. Women are less likely to drive under the influence of alcohol, speed, or tailgate. They are more likely to use safety belts. However, early evidence from observation surveys of mobile phone use indicates that women are more likely than men to use a hand-held mobile phone while driving. Again, this is a trend that needs to be monitored.Women are more vulnerable in crashes than men and more likely to die in crashes of equal force. The patterns of injuries sustained by women in vehicle crashes are also different from those sustained by men in the same type of crash. Vehicle crashworthiness and occupant protection systems are increasingly considering the differences between men and women in their designs. However, much is still unknown and further research is still needed.More research is needed on occupant protection. More accurate computational models and more accurate crash test dummies that represent women of all ages are needed. There is a particular need to better understand the effects of vehicle protection systems on the pregnant woman and her fetus. There is also a need for better modeling of the conditions of older women drivers, such as osteoporosis.Another area of needed research is that of driving behaviors with regard to the new technologies that are being introduced, including various in-vehicle assistance systems and communications devices. There is a need to understand how these devices affect driving performance and safety, whether women are using them differently than men, and their implications for driving safety. Naturalistic driving studies offer promising and exciting approaches to this research question.While much of the research on crashworthiness and the design of occupant protection systems for women can be applied universally, research on the behavioral aspects of vehicle use might be more culturally specific. Good, consistent, and reliable data on crashes, travel, and behavior are not readily available in the developing world, nor is the collection of such data a priority. In the United States and in other developed countries, however,there are opportunities to study immigrant communities and to identify patterns of vehicle use and behavior that could contribute to the understanding of women's safety issues in societies undergoing motorization.
机译:总结与研究需求 对美国车辆碰撞趋势和模式的概述显示,当前男女驾驶执照的比率大致相等。在70岁以上的驾驶员中,获得驾驶执照的女性人数超过了男性。总体而言,女性开车少 比男人要英里。女性死于车祸的人数和人均死亡率远低于男性。如果考虑使用VMT进行暴露,则男女致命碰撞事故都遵循相同的U形年龄模式,即年轻时较高,最低到中年,并在65岁左右开始再次增加。女性的致命参与率低于男性。但是,在某些年龄段中,女性的发病率几年来超过了男性。这可能只是虚假的影响,或者是新趋势的一部分,因为老年人口人口的性别构成发生了变化。 与男性相比,女性从事风险较低的驾驶行为。女性在酒精,速度或后挡板的影响下驾驶的可能性较小。他们更有可能使用安全带。但是,有关使用手机的观察调查的早期证据表明,开车时女性比男性更有可能使用手持手机。同样,这是需要监视的趋势。 妇女在撞车事故中比男人更容易受到伤害,在同等力撞车事故中更容易丧生。妇女在车祸中所遭受的伤害方式也与男子在相同类型的车祸中所遭受的伤害方式不同。车辆防撞性和乘员保护系统越来越多地考虑男女在设计上的差异。然而,很多事情仍然未知,还需要进一步的研究。 需要对乘员保护进行更多研究。需要更精确的计算模型和更精确的碰撞测试假人,它们代表了各个年龄段的女性。特别需要更好地了解车辆保护系统对孕妇及其胎儿的影响。还需要更好地模拟老年女性驾驶员的状况,例如骨质疏松症。 需要研究的另一个领域是与所引入的新技术有关的驾驶行为,包括各种车载辅助系统和通信设备。有必要了解这些设备如何影响驾驶性能和安全性,女性使用它们的方式是否与男性不同,以及它们对驾驶安全性的影响。自然驾驶研究为该研究问题提供了有前途和令人兴奋的方法。 尽管有关撞车性和女性乘员保护系统设计的许多研究可以普遍应用,但对车辆使用行为方面的研究可能更具文化特色。在发展中国家,关于碰撞,旅行和行为的良好,一致和可靠的数据并不容易获得,收集此类数据也不是优先事项。但是,在美国和其他发达国家,有机会研究移民社区,并确定可能会有助于理解机动化社会中妇女安全问题的车辆使用方式和行为方式。



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