
Roof Forms for Energy Saving in Thailand




A roof is one of the most important characteristics of Thai architecture especially in a house, traditionally. Also, the roof is a part of the house that mainly effects energy saving due to heat allowance pass through and release from indoor space. The study, based on model experiments, targets to find out the effects of roof forms on indoor air temperature. The purpose is to give information for roof form types selection in Thai Houses. Models, l×l×l meter boxes, are used for the experiments by changing their roof forms for comparison. Four types of roof forms, typically used in Thai houses, are selected for the experiments. Those types are gable roof, hip roof, lean-to roof, and flat roof. Temperatures in the middle of the boxes are recorded for the analyses. The results showed that the temperature in the flat roof box is the highest in the middle of the day. However, it dropped fastest in night-time. During the daytime, temperatures in the box of the other roof forms are not much different, while the temperatures in the gable roof model dropped likely faster than the rest. This study gives information for the users in selecting roof forms for their houses.
机译:传统上,屋顶是泰国建筑最重要的特征之一,尤其是在房屋中。此外,屋顶是房屋的一部分,主要由于热量允许通过室内空间并从室内空间释放而实现节能。该研究基于模型实验,旨在找出屋顶形状对室内空气温度的影响。目的是为泰国房屋中的屋顶形式类型选择提供信息。 l×l×l米箱的模型用于实验,通过更改其屋顶形式进行比较。实验中选择了四种通常用于泰国房屋中的屋顶形式。这些类型是山墙屋顶,臀部屋顶,倾斜屋顶和平屋顶。记录盒子中间的温度以进行分析。结果表明,平顶盒中的温度在一天当中最高。但是,它在夜间下降最快。在白天,其他屋顶形式的盒子中的温度相差不大,而山墙屋顶模型中的温度下降的速度可能比其他屋顶模型快。这项研究为用户选择房屋的屋顶形式提供了信息。



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