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Intrastromal refractive surgery by ultrashort laser pulses: side effects and mechanisms




The Feasibility of refractive surgery with ultrashort laser pulses in the fs-regime was stuided. The experiments were performed with an Erbium fibrelaser oscillator, which was amplified by means of chirped pulse amplification in a Titanium-Sapphire regenerative amplifier. With this system pluse durations of 180 fs and pulse energies of up to some hundred um J were possible. The photodisruption was performed in corneal tissue in order to create corneal incisions and lamellars. Surface quality and htermal damages of the cuts inside the tissue were studied with the help of micromorphological analysis, such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM) kand histological sections. high level precision along with minimal thermal damage could be observed. Saline solution as a model substance was used for studying side effects as bubble formation and pressure trransients. The pressure measurements were performed using composition of different gas constituents with the help of flash photography and gas chromatography. The results demonstrate the minimal invasive treatment of corneal stroma by fs-photodisruption. Studies of secondary effects indicate, that additional processes have to be considered.
机译:促使了FS-remime中具有超短激光脉冲的屈光手术的可行性。用铒纤维超振荡器进行实验,其通过钛 - 蓝宝石再生放大器中的啁啾脉冲扩增扩增。使用该系统,可以使用180个FS和脉冲能量的持续时间。在角膜组织中进行光探测器,以产生角膜切口和层状。在微晶分析的帮助下,研究了组织内切割内部的表面质量和HTERMAL损伤,例如扫描电子显微镜(SEM)KAND组织学部分。可以观察到高水平精度以及最小的热损坏。作为模型物质的盐水溶液用于研究副作用作为气泡形成和压力扭转。在闪光摄影和气相色谱的帮助下,使用不同气体成分的组成进行压力测量。结果证明了FS-PhotoDissruction对角膜基质的最小侵入性治疗。二次效果的研究表明,必须考虑额外的过程。



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