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The special role of remote user services for a network-based higher education modeling system




EFPM, an interactive modeling system developed by EDUCOM, is used by administrators and analysts at more than 120 colleges and universities. The software resides on the IBM 370/168 computer at Cornell University and is accessed via the national commercial networks TYMNET and Telenet.

Much of the success of EFPM can be attributed to the effective delivery of a broad spectrum of user services to a diverse and remote constituency. We describe those services, suggest they are primary, rather than secondary aspects of EFPM, and point out the role of networking in the effective delivery of remote user services.

The delivery of high-quality substantive user support at a distance is expensive and difficult. For one set of users, it's worth it.

机译:EFPM是EDUCOM开发的交互式建模系统,被120多家大学的管理人员和分析人员使用。该软件位于康奈尔大学的IBM 370/168计算机上,可通过国家商业网络TYMNET和Telenet进行访问。





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