首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Environmental Concerns and Emerging Abatement Technologies >Anthropogenic impact on snow chemistry of king George island, antarctica-ice core shows distinct nssNO_4~(2-) and NO_3~- raising after 1960s

Anthropogenic impact on snow chemistry of king George island, antarctica-ice core shows distinct nssNO_4~(2-) and NO_3~- raising after 1960s

机译:南极洲 - 冰核的北乔治岛雪化学的人为影响显示截然不同的NSSNO_4〜(2-)和NO_3〜 - 在20世纪60年代之后提升



A time scale for the ice core extracted from Collins Ice Cap, King George Island, Antarctica is well established upon detailed glaciological investigations, and checked with historic volcanic events shown up. Age-depth profiles displaying doubling of nssSO_4~(2-) and NO_3~- concentration for two stages are, thus, determined. Ignoring long-term volcanic effect, and sorting out the fraction devoted by moraine biogenic origin, anthropogenic input of nssSO_4~(2-) into the regional atmospheric chemistry could then be evaluated. Both the increases of nssSO_4~(2-) on the biogenic level and NO_3~- on the natural background are attributed to the founding of manned stations in the island during the period of 1968-1987, and to the intensive human activities over 20a from late 1960s on.. Several works are advocated for future aerosol sampling, to make up for the shortcomings in the resolution of present record and to understand the mechanisms for the transport and deposit of anthropogenic pollutants.
机译:南极洲国王乔治岛上的冰川岩石中提取的冰芯的时间尺度是在详细的冰川学调查中得到了很好的成熟,并与出现的历史火山活动检查。因此,确定了两个阶段的NSSSO_4〜(2-)和NO_3〜 - 浓度的Age-Deake曲线是确定的。忽略长期火山效应,并将由羊膜生物原产地致力于致力的分数,然后可以评估NSSSO_4〜(2-)的人为进入区域大气化学。 NSSSO_4〜(2-)的生物水平和NO_3〜 - 在自然背景上的增加既归因于1968年至1987年期间岛上的载人车站的成立,并从20岁以上的密集人类活动20世纪60年代末..据主向未来的气溶胶采样提倡几项作品,弥补了目前记录的缺点,并了解运输和存放人为污染物的机制。



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