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The authenticity of the 'Newman' notebook and its reference to the 'Yagi antenna'

机译:“ Newman”笔记本的真实性及其对“ Yagi天线”的引用



The paper is an account of research into the authenticity of an old notebook said to have been written by a British Army corporal named Newman who was stationed in Singapore in 1942. The notebook was found in Singapore and contained information on a searchlight control radar (SLC) produced in England. A Japanese officer found the notebook in a wastebasket in an abandoned British military camp. There had been radars in position in Singapore, but they were destroyed by the British forces before surrender; all that was left were five metal poles. The officers investigating were unable to understand what the poles were for. However, after finding the notebook they concluded that the poles were broken antennas for the radar system. They also located the owner of the notebook who was then a prisoner of war. The corporal had written down all the details of what he had learned as a radar operator in England. Upon reading what he had written, they discovered the word "Yagi" and were puzzled as to its reference. Upon questioning some of the prisoners they learned that it referred to the "Yagi-Uda antenna" which was invented by Dr. Hidetsugu Yagi and Shintarou Uda, researchers in electronics at the Tohoku Imperial University in Sendai City in 1926. The paper reports on related documentation which has been located.
机译:这篇论文是对一个旧笔记本的真实性进行研究的报道,据说该笔记本是由名叫纽曼的英国陆军下士在1942年驻扎在新加坡的。他在新加坡被发现,里面装有探照灯控制雷达(SLC)上的信息。 )在英国生产。一名日本军官在一个废弃的英国军营的废纸bas中发现了笔记本。新加坡曾经有雷达,但是在投降之前,它们被英军摧毁。剩下的只有五个金属杆。调查人员无法理解两极的目的。但是,在找到笔记本后,他们得出结论认为,电线杆是雷达系统的破损天线。他们还找到了当时是战俘的笔记本的所有者。这位下士写下了他在英国作为雷达操作员所学到的所有细节。读完他写的书后,他们发现了“八木”一词,并对其参考感到困惑。在询问了一些囚犯之后,他们得知它是指“ Yagi-Uda天线”,这是1926年仙台市东北帝国大学电子学研究人员Yagi Hidegugu Yagi和Shintarou Uda发明的。已找到的文档。



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