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An Analysis of Reduction in Medical Expenditures by e-Health Systems: Case of Nishiaizu Town, Fukushima Prefecture




This paper analyzes the effects of e-health systems on medical expenditures. An e-health system monitors the health condition of patients at home by transmitting the patients'' health-related data to a remote medical institution via a telecommunications network, allowing patients to be monitored by medical institutions 24 hours a day. Previous research has identified the following effects of the e-health system: (i) reduced anxiety in day-to-day life; (ii) stabilization of illness; (iii) enhancement of health consciousness; and (iv) decrease in medical expenditures. In order to test the significance of these effects, we conducted a case study of Nishiaizu Town, which has been making full use of the system since 1994. Nishiaizu was the second local government in Japan to introduce the system; since then, the system has been the core of the town''s health, welfare, and medical services. The authors conducted field research on Nishiaizu in 2000, 2001 and 2006, taking advantage of the town''s readily available medical expenditure data. Our analysis compares the town''s medical expenditures with the nationwide average for four distinct categories of patients, using difference tests of difference and Pearson correlations. The former test examines differences in expenditure levels, while the latter measures differences in expenditure trends. We compare these before and after the introduction of Nishiaizu''s e-health system. We conclude that the e-health system may have had significant effects for residents classified as "Elderly" and "General." The former category includes most users of the e-health system in Nishiaizu.
机译:本文分析了电子卫生系统对医疗支出的影响。电子医疗系统通过将患者的健康相关数据通过电信网络传输到远程医疗机构,从而监视患者在家中的健康状况,从而允许医疗机构一天24小时监控患者。先前的研究已经确定了电子医疗系统的以下影响:(i)减少了日常生活中的焦虑; (ii)稳定病情; (iii)增强健康意识; (iv)减少医疗支出。为了检验这些影响的重要性,我们对自1994年以来一直在充分利用该系统的Nishiaizu镇进行了案例研究。Nishiaizu是日本第二个引入该系统的地方政府。从那时起,该系统一直是该镇健康,福利和医疗服务的核心。作者利用2000年,2001年和2006年该镇的现有医疗支出数据,对Nishiaizu进行了实地研究。我们的分析使用差异和Pearson相关性的差异检验,比较了该镇四种不同类别患者的医疗费用与全国平均水平。前者检验支出水平的差异,而后者则测量支出趋势的差异。我们将在引进西夏伊电子卫生系统之前和之后进行比较。我们得出的结论是,电子卫生系统可能对归类为“老年人”和“普通”的居民产生重大影响。前一类包括西津津的大多数电子医疗系统用户。



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