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Entry consistency versus lazy release consistency in DSM systems: analytical comparison and a new hybrid solution




Entry consistency (EC), implemented in Midway, and lazy release consistency (LRC), implemented in TreadMarks, are two promising relaxed memory consistency models which tend to minimize communication costs. This is an important goal of software-based distributed shared memory (DSM) solutions built on workstation networks. While Midway uses a fine-grain update-based coherence protocol, TreadMarks implements an invalidation-based protocol with virtual memory page as the granularity unit. Instead of transferring the whole page on a page fault, TreadMarks transfers diffs-lists of modifications to the page during a critical section. According to a previous comparative study of EC and LRC neither is unconditionally better than the other and the performance advantages depend highly on the application. This paper examines the performance/complexity trade-offs of EC and LRC, based on a model that includes storage overhead, as well as the communication and computation costs. A proposal for a new hybrid of LRC and EC is also presented.
机译:在Midway中实现的条目一致性(EC)和在TreadMarks中实现的延迟发布一致性(LRC)是两个有希望的宽松内存一致性模型,它们倾向于使通信成本最小化。这是建立在工作站网络上的基于软件的分布式共享内存(DSM)解决方案的重要目标。 Midway使用基于细粒度更新的一致性协议,而TreadMarks使用虚拟内存页面作为粒度单位来实现基于失效的协议。 TreadMarks不会在出现页面错误时传输整个页面,而是在关键部分将修改的差异列表传输到页面。根据先前对EC和LRC的比较研究,两者都无条件优于其他,并且性能优势在很大程度上取决于应用。本文基于包括存储开销以及通信和计算成本的模型,研究了EC和LRC的性能/复杂性之间的权衡。还提出了LRC和EC的新混合方案。



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