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The first GPS based vessel traffic service system for an American inland waterway




The paper describes the design and the development of an advanced vessel traffic service system (VTS) that was demonstrated in 1994 on the section of the Saint Lawrence Seaway under control of the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation (SLSDC). Vessel traffic service on the Saint Lawrence Seaway has undergone little change since the Seaway opened in 1959. The current VTS system depends primarily on voice reports from ship masters and pilots who make VHF calls to control centers at assigned, but very approximate, call-in-points (CIP) along the Seaway. The location accuracy of a vessel, using these procedures, is about one to two miles. It is difficult to improve safety and to increase the efficiency of the Seaway system with the present traffic services accuracy limitations, and expeditious use of the locks suffers due to erroneous position reporting. In 1991, SLSDC enlisted the aid of the Volpe National Transportation Systems Center to design and to develop a VTS system using the Global Positioning System (GPS). The VTS system is an automatic dependence surveillance system that uses one-way communications to provide the control center at the Eisenhower Lock with vessel positions at assigned update rates. While the VTS system utilizes mostly commercially available off-the-shelf components, innovative designs were required to produce a shipboard unit that was lightweight, relatively inexpensive, and technically versatile.
机译:本文介绍了高级船只交通服务系统(VTS)的设计和开发,该系统于1994年在圣劳伦斯海道发展公司(SLSDC)的控制下在圣劳伦斯海道的部分进行了演示。自从1959年Seaway开通以来,Saint Lawrence Seaway上的船舶交通服务几乎没有发生变化。当前的VTS系统主要取决于船长和驾驶员的语音报告,这些船长和驾驶员在指定但非常近似的呼入呼叫控制中心进行VHF呼叫航路的航点(CIP)。使用这些程序,船只的定位精度约为一到两英里。在目前的交通服务准确性限制下,难以提高安全性并提高Seaway系统的效率,并且由于错误的位置报告而导致锁的快速使用受到影响。 1991年,SLSDC借助Volpe国家运输系统中心的帮助,设计并开发了使用全球定位系统(GPS)的VTS系统。 VTS系统是一种自动依赖监视系统,它使用单向通信为艾森豪威尔船闸的控制中心提供指定更新率的船只位置。尽管VTS系统利用了大部分可商购的现成组件,但仍需要创新的设计来生产重量轻,价格相对便宜且技术上通用的舰载设备。



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