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Design considerations of a cable wiring system for a new medical center to su




Abstract: Our Medical Center is faced with the problem to design a cable wiring system today, install it by the middle 1990's, and allow for upgrades and enhancements for the next ten to fifteen years. The cable plant must be able to support functions and activities which are poorly defined today, but will include the hospital information system (HIS), a future picture archiving and communication system (PACS), and possibly an electronic patient chart with integrated image data. The cable plant must also connect to a future campus wide Medical Network of the Indiana University Medical center with the first component being a positron emission tomography system (PET) located approximately one mile away. To meet these goals the proposed cable plant will be a structured wire cabling system following existing and proposed standards for building wiring architectures including the Electronics Industries Association (EIA) and the Telecommunications Industries Association (TIA) 568 Commercial Building Wiring Standard and the proposed Federal Telecommunication Standard 1090. The structured wiring system approached has been evaluated with emphasis on the present and future network topologies that can be implemented, the type and size of fiber optic cable to install, and the need to install fiber optic cable to individual workstations.!11
机译:摘要:我们的医疗中心现在面临着设计电缆布线系统,在1990年代中期安装该系统以及在未来十到十五年内进行升级和增强的问题。电缆厂必须能够支持今天定义不清的功能和活动,但将包括医院信息系统(HIS),未来的图片存档和通信系统(PACS),以及可能包含集成图像数据的电子病历。电缆厂还必须连接到印第安纳大学医学中心未来的校园范围内的医学网络,第一个组件是位于约一英里外的正电子发射断层扫描系统(PET)。为了实现这些目标,拟议的电缆厂将采用结构化布线系统,遵循现有和拟议的建筑布线架构标准,包括电子工业协会(EIA)和电信工业协会(TIA)568商业建筑布线标准以及拟议的联邦电信标准1090。对所采用的结构化布线系统进行了评估,重点是可以实现的当前和将来的网络拓扑,要安装的光缆的类型和大小以及需要将光缆安装到各个工作站的情况!! 11



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