首页> 外文会议>Medical Imaging 2000: Image Display and Visualization >On-demand server-side image processing for web-based DICOM image display

On-demand server-side image processing for web-based DICOM image display


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Abstract: Low cost image delivery is needed in modern networked hospitals. If a hospital has hundreds of clients, cost of client systems is a big problem. Naturally, a Web-based system is the most effective solution. But a Web browser could not display medical images with certain image processing such as a lookup table transformation. We developed a Web-based medical image display system using Web browser and on-demand server-side image processing. All images displayed on a Web page are generated from DICOM files on a server, delivered on-demand. User interaction on the Web page is handled by a client-side scripting technology such as JavaScript. This combination makes a look-and-feel of an imaging workstation not only for its functionality but also for its speed. Real time update of images with tracing mouse motion is achieved on Web browser without any client-side image processing which may be done by client-side plug-in technology such as Java Applets or ActiveX. We tested performance of the system in three cases. Single client, small number of clients in a fast speed network, and large number of clients in a normal speed network. The result shows that there are very slight overhead for communication and very scalable in number of clients. !7
机译:摘要:现代网络医院需要低成本的图像传送。如果一家医院有数百个客户,则客户系统的成本是一个大问题。自然,基于Web的系统是最有效的解决方案。但是,Web浏览器无法通过某些图像处理(例如查找表转换)显示医学图像。我们使用Web浏览器和按需服务器端图像处理开发了基于Web的医学图像显示系统。网页上显示的所有图像均由服务器上的DICOM文件生成,并按需提供。网页上的用户交互由客户端脚本技术(例如JavaScript)处理。这种结合使成像工作站的外观和感觉不仅因为其功能,而且还因为其速度。在Web浏览器上,可以通过跟踪鼠标移动来实时更新图像,而无需任何客户端图像处理,这可以通过客户端插件技术(例如Java Applets或ActiveX)来完成。我们在三种情况下测试了系统的性能。单个客户端,快速网络中的客户端数量很少,而普通速度网络中的客户端数量很多。结果表明,通信开销很小,客户端数量可扩展。 !7



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