首页> 外文会议>Medical Imaging 1993: PACS: Design and Evaluation >Evaluation of communication experiments in teleradiology using a standardized study design

Evaluation of communication experiments in teleradiology using a standardized study design


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Abstract: In the EC project TELEMED (R1086) the feasibility of digital image communication for remote expert consultation in radiology is investigated. For a comprehensive evaluation, an international multicenter communication study has been developed. Forty radiologists from eight European university hospitals participate in this study as `experts.' Matching the fields of expertise offered by these experts, about 200 test cases have been prepared to be discussed during consultation sessions between experts and non-experts. Consultation sessions are supported by dedicated hardware and software as well as a variety of different network connections (2 Mbit/s terrestrial, 2 Mbit/s satellite, 384 kbit/s ISDN). Evaluation is performed to answer questions of applicability of teleconsultation for different types of radiological images and cases, the participants' attitude towards and benefits from teleconsultation, the impact of the technical environment and functional features for routine application. !8
机译:摘要:在EC项目TELEMED(R1086)中,研究了数字图像通信在放射学中进行远程专家咨询的可行性。为了进行全面评估,已经开展了一项国际多中心交流研究。来自欧洲八所大学医院的40位放射科医生作为“专家”参加了这项研究。与这些专家提供的专业知识领域相匹配,已经准备了大约200个测试用例,以在专家和非专家之间的咨询会议上进行讨论。专用硬件和软件以及各种不同的网络连接(2 Mbit / s地面,2 Mbit / s卫星,384 kbit / s ISDN)支持协商会议。进行评估以回答以下问题:远程咨询适用于不同类型的放射影像和病例,参与者对远程咨询的态度和好处,技术环境的影响以及常规应用的功能。 !8



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