首页> 外文会议>Medical Imaging 1993: PACS: Design and Evaluation >How much spatial resolution is enough? A meta-analysis of observer performance studies comparing plain films and digital hard copy

How much spatial resolution is enough? A meta-analysis of observer performance studies comparing plain films and digital hard copy


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Abstract: A Meta-analysis was performed on the data reported for observer performance studies comparing plain film and digital hard copy on lung interstitial disease and abnormalities of the bones of the extremities. Spatial resolutions from 512$+2$/ to 4096$+2$/ were included. It is concluded that spatial resolution alone is not the determinant of success in observer performance. It is quite possible that an optimum is approached between 1024$+2$/ and 2048$+2$/ and that further improvement in performance will depend upon improvements in gray scale rendition. !20
机译:摘要:对观察者性能研究报告的数据进行了荟萃分析,比较了普通胶片和数字硬拷贝对肺间质疾病和四肢骨骼异常的影响。包括从512 $ + 2 $ /到4096 $ + 2 $ /的空间分辨率。结论是,仅空间分辨率并不是观察者性能成功的决定因素。极有可能在1024 $ + 2 $ /和2048 $ + 2 $ /之间达到最佳值,而性能的进一步提高将取决于灰度再现。 !20



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