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Contact laser surgery in laryngeal tumor management


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Abstract: The data is presented referring to the details of contact YAG-Nd laser surgery technique under experimental and clinical conditions. Essentially, the contact method is compared with the effect of the scalpel in the surgeon's hands and biologically there is no tangible difference between the carbon dioxide laser and the YAG-Nd laser when the latter is applied in the contact manner. Laryngeal application of the laser contact technique proved to be very beneficial clinically. Tracheal puncture approach with jet ventilation of the lungs ensured absolute safety of the endoscopic laser operative procedure. On the basis of almost 300 operations it has been concluded that the laryngeal neoplasms (benign and T1 - T2 cancer) can be successfully treated in this manner. !0
机译:摘要:数据是根据在实验和临床条件下接触YAG-Nd激光手术技术的详细信息而提供的。本质上,将接触方法与手术刀在外科医生手中的作用进行了比较,从生物学上讲,当以接触方式施加二氧化碳激光和YAG-Nd激光时,它们之间没有明显的区别。经证明,激光接触技术在喉部的应用在临床上非常有益。气管穿刺入路和肺部喷射通气确保了内窥镜激光手术程序的绝对安全。根据近300例手术的结论,可以用这种方法成功治疗喉部肿瘤(良性和T1-T2癌)。 !0



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