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Computer model for photodynamic therapy of the prostate


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Abstract: Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an emerging minimally invasive treatment that can be employed in many human diseases including prostate cancer. This treatment of human prostate cancer depends on the localization of a drug (photosensitizer) into the prostate. The photosensitizer is activated by high- energy laser light and the active drug destroys cancerous tissue. The success of PDT depends on precise placement of light diffusers in the prostate. Since the prostate is irregular in shape, with different dimensions, a transurethral light delivery that is circular in distribution cannot be used in most cases of carcinoma of the prostate. Sources of light and their spatial distribution must be tailored to each individual patient. More uniform, therapeutic light distribution can be achieved by interstitial light irradiation. In this case, the light is delivered by diffusers placed within the substance of the prostate parallel to the urethra at a distance optimized to deliver adequate levels of light and to create the desired photodynamic effect. For this reason, we are developing a computer program that can calculate the distribution of energy depending on the number of light sources placed in the prostate, their position in the gland, the dimension of the prostate, and the attenuation coefficient. A patient's three-dimensional prostate model is built based on ultrasound images. Then the program is being designated to predict the best set of parameters and position of light diffusers in space, displays them in graphical form or in numerical form. The program is amenable for interfacing with robotic treatment systems. !15
机译:摘要:光动力疗法(PDT)是一种新兴的微创疗法,可用于包括前列腺癌在内的许多人类疾病。对人类前列腺癌的这种治疗取决于药物(光敏剂)在前列腺中的定位。光敏剂被高能激光激活,活性药物破坏癌组织。 PDT的成功取决于光扩散器在前列腺中的精确放置。由于前列腺的形状是不规则的,具有不同的尺寸,因此在大多数前列腺癌病例中不能使用圆形分布的经尿道光传输。光源及其空间分布必须适合每个患者。通过间隙光照射可以实现更均匀的治疗光分布。在这种情况下,光是通过放置在与尿道平行的前列腺物质内的散射器以最佳距离传输的,该距离被优化为可传输足够水平的光并产生所需的光动力效果。因此,我们正在开发一个计算机程序,可以根据放置在前列腺中的光源数量,它们在腺体中的位置,前列腺的尺寸以及衰减系数来计算能量的分布。基于超声图像建立患者的三维前列腺模型。然后指定程序以预测最佳参数集和光扩散器在空间中的位置,以图形形式或数字形式显示它们。该程序适用于与机器人治疗系统的接口。 !15



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