首页> 外文会议>Lasers in dentistry XVII >Influence of Tm: YAP laser irradiation on tensile strength for bracket debonding

Influence of Tm: YAP laser irradiation on tensile strength for bracket debonding


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The aim of our study was the investigation of tensile strength needed for bracket debonding. A diode-pumped Tm:YAP microchip laser generating a continuous 2um radiation with a maximum output power of 4W was used for debonding purposes. A group of 60 brackets was debonded using classical and laser irradiation methods - the dose from 1 W to 4 W for 60 s. The tensile strength without laser irradiation was in the range from 39.6 N (full ceramic bracket group) to 63.7 N (ceramic bracket with metal slot group). After irradiation, the tensile strength was lowered from 35.1 N (full ceramic bracket group) to 48.8 N (ceramic bracket with metal slot group). The results of our study generally agree with the previous studies, substantiating the fact that lasers can be used effectively to thermally soften the adhesive resin for removal of ceramic brackets. From the practical point of view the conclusion is that during laser irradiation thermal ablation occurs and the bracket is removed from the enamel together with the rest of the adhesive resin. Laser debonding is easier and certain heat diffusion occurred.
机译:我们研究的目的是研究支架剥离所需的拉伸强度。二极管泵浦的Tm:YAP微芯片激光器可产生连续的2um辐射,最大输出功率为4W,用于剥离。使用经典和激光照射方法将一组60个托槽脱胶-剂量从1 W到4 W持续60 s。未经激光辐照的抗拉强度为39.6 N(全陶瓷支架组)至63.7 N(带金属槽组的陶瓷支架)。辐照后,抗拉强度从35.1 N(全陶瓷支架组)降低到48.8 N(带金属槽组的陶瓷支架)。我们的研究结果总体上与先前的研究一致,证实了可以有效地使用激光来热软化粘合树脂以去除陶瓷支架的事实。从实用的角度出发,得出的结论是,在激光辐照期间会发生热烧蚀,并且将支架与其余的粘合树脂一起从搪瓷中移除。激光剥离更容易,并且发生一定的热扩散。



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