
Integration of noise in Danish road planning - methods and cost benefit




When constructing new buildings or roads in Denmark, special consideration is given totraffic noise by generally following the 58 dB national guideline. The Nordic predictionmethod, Nord2000 is used. Noise Exposure Factor (NEF) is the basis of cost-benefitanalyses. NEF is an expression of the accumulated noise load on all dwellings in an areacalculated as the sum of the weighted noise loads on dwellings. Dwellings with high noiselevels weigh more than dwellings with lower noise levels. The economic valuation of noiseeffects are based on dwellings market prices and health effects. Environmental ImpactAssessment studies including noise as an important factor when planning new highways orenlargements are also carried out. The 58 dB guideline is used whenever possible. Thepreferable solution is to locate a new highway alignment that maximizes distances toresidential areas. Noise reducing pavements, noise barriers and façade insulation are oftenused. In addition to noise abatement in road projects around 100 mill US $ have been usedsince 1992 for noise abatement at “hot spots” along the existing highways for barriers andinsulation. A noise action plan for the existing state road network from 2009 describesinitiatives to reduce noise where it is considered unacceptable. Noise initiatives in relationto maintenance of the road network are included.
机译:在丹麦建造新建筑物或道路时,通常会遵循58 dB国家准则来特别考虑交通噪音。使用北欧预测方法Nord2000。噪声暴露因子(NEF)是成本效益分析的基础。 NEF是一个区域中所有住宅上的累积噪声负载的表达式,该值计算为住宅上加权噪声负载的总和。高噪声水平的房屋比低噪声水平的房屋重。噪音影响的经济估值基于住宅市场价格和健康影响。环境影响在进行新的高速公路或扩建计划时,还进行了包括噪声在内的评估研究作为重要因素。尽可能使用58 dB的准则。最好的解决方案是找到一条新的高速公路路线,以最大程度地延长到居民区的距离。经常使用降低噪音的人行道,隔音屏障和外墙保温材料。自1992年以来,除道路项目中的噪声消除外,还使用了约100百万美元的噪声来消除现有高速公路沿途的“热点”处的噪声,以用于隔离和隔离。自2009年起针对现有国道网实施的噪声行动计划描述了在认为不可接受的地方采取措施降低噪声的措施。包括与道路网维护有关的噪声措施。



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