
Acoustic study of Madrid Auditorio Nacional de Música: comparison between simulation and measurements




This work presents the most excellent conclusions of the acoustic study made in Auditorio Nacional de Música, placed in the city of Madrid (Spain). This auditorium was built by the Spanish Architect José María García de Paredes in 1988 and the Acoustic Consultant was Lothar Cremer. The work is developed in two parts: 1. Explanation of the acoustic simulation results: sound rays trajectories from the source to the receivers are analyzed and acoustic parameters have been evaluated. 2. Measurements results: acoustic measurements have been made and the results will be compared with the acoustic simulation.This auditorium is quoted by Beranek in his book “Concert halls and opera houses: music acoustics and architecture”1. Here, we have studied this room for the first time through the acoustic simulation complemented with new measurements.
机译:这项工作提出了在马德里市(西班牙)的国家听觉音乐厅所作的声学研究的最出色结论。该礼堂由西班牙建筑师何塞·玛丽亚·加西亚·德·帕雷德斯(JoséMaríaGarcíade Paredes)于1988年建造,声学顾问是洛萨·克雷默(Lothar Cremer)。这项工作分为两个部分:1.声学模拟结果的解释:分析从声源到接收器的声线轨迹,并评估声学参数。 2.测量结果:已经进行了声学测量,并将结果与​​声学模拟进行了比较。Beranek在他的《音乐厅和歌剧院:音乐声学与建筑》一书中引用了这个礼堂。在这里,我们首次通过声学模拟和新的测量方法对这个房间进行了研究。



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