首页> 外文会议>KDD-09 workshop on statistical and relational learning in bioinformatics 2009 >Multi-Class Protein Fold Recognition using Large Margin Logic based Divide and Conquer Learning

Multi-Class Protein Fold Recognition using Large Margin Logic based Divide and Conquer Learning


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Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) systems have been successfully applied to solve complex biological problem by vicwing them as binary classification tasks. It remains an open question how an accurate solution to a multi-class problem can be obtained by using a logic based learning method. In this paper we present a novel logic based approach to solve complex and challenging multi-class classification problems in bioinformatics by focusing on a particular task, namely protein fold recognition. Our technique is based on the use of large margin kernel-based methods in conjunction with first order rules induced by an ILP system. The proposed approach learns a multi-class classifier by using a divide and conquer reduction strategy that splits multi-classes into binary groups and solves each individual problem recursively hence generating an underlying decision list structure. The method is applied to assigning protein domains to folds. Experimental evaluation of the method demonstrates the efficacy of the proposed approach to solving complex multi-class classification problems in bioinformatics.



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