
On the Minimum Common Integer Partition Problem


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We introduce a new combinatorial optimization problem in this paper, called the Minimum Common Integer Partition (MCIP) problem, which was inspired by computational biology applications including ortholog assignment and DNA fingerprint assembly. A partition of a positive integer n is a multiset of positive integers that add up to exactly n, and an integer partition of a multiset S of integers is defined as the multiset union of partitions of integers in S. Given a sequence of multisets S_1, ···, S_k of integers, where k ≥ 2, we say that a multiset is a common integer partition if it is an integer partition of every multiset S_i, 1 ≤ i ≤ k. The MCIP problem is thus defined as to find a common integer partition of S_1, ···, S_k with the minimum cardinality. It is easy to see that the MCIP problem is NP-hard since it generalizes the well-known Set Partition problem. We can in fact show that it is APX-hard. We will also present a 5/4-approximation algorithm for the MCIP problem when k = 2, and a (3k(k-1))/(3k-2)-approximation algorithm for k ≥ 3.
机译:在本文中,我们介绍了一个新的组合优化问题,即最小公共整数分区(MCIP)问题,该问题受到包括直系同源物分配和DNA指纹组装在内的计算生物学应用的启发。一个正整数n的分区是一个正整数的多集,它们的总和恰好为n,并且整数S的整数集的整数分区被定义为S中整数分区的多集并集。给定一系列多集S_1, ...,整数,其中,k 2≥,我们说一个多重集是一种常见的整数分区如果它是每个多集S_I的整数分区的S_K,1≤I≤ķ。因此,将MCIP问题定义为找到基数最小的S_1,...,S_k的公共整数分区。容易看到MCIP问题是NP难题的,因为它概括了众所周知的Set Partition问题。实际上,我们可以证明它是APX认证的。当k = 2时,我们还将提出针对MCIP问题的5 / 4-近似算法;对于k≥3的(3k(k-1))/(3k-2)近似算法。



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