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Forensic photo/videogrammetry: Monte Carlo simulation of pixel and measurement errors


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Abstract: In this paper, we present some results from a study in progress on methods for the measurement of the length of a robber in a surveillance video image. A calibration tool was constructed for the calibration of the camera. Standard procedures for computing the lens distortion, image projection parameters and the length of the robber have been implemented in Mathematika. These procedures are based on the use of pixel coordinates of markers on the calibration tool, the robber's head (and, optionally, his feet) and an estimation of his position in the coordinate system that is defined by the calibration tool.!4
机译:摘要:在本文中,我们介绍了正在进行的有关监视视频图像中强盗长度测量方法的研究结果。构造了用于相机校准的校准工具。 Mathematika中已执行了用于计算镜头失真,图像投影参数和强盗长度的标准程序。这些程序是基于使用校准工具上的标记的像素坐标,强盗的头部(以及可选地,他的脚)以及由校准工具定义的其在坐标系中位置的估计。4



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