
Product development cycle time reduction


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Abstract: We are facing here today the key issues that face us in the competitive environment. North American companies are struggling to compete in the global marketplace. Gone are the days when presence ensured success. Then, sales and earnings were guaranteed. Today the competition is intense. Many manufacturing and service companies are no longer competitive. Traditionally, manufacturing companies have created the most wealth for the community and economy. Losing this ability to create wealth is tragic and unnecessary. A company can only be successful by focusing on customer satisfaction at competitive costs. Revenue growth and earnings growth require a continuous stream of products that anticipate the customers' needs, result from shorter and shorter innovation cycles, continually improve in quality, and are produced at improved costs on each cycle. The best opportunities for increased quality and decreased costs are with new products. Sure, work on quality and costs everyday. The biggest changes, however, will come through the new product development cycle. We must improve our development processes to provide leadership products which result in high levels of customer satisfaction. This is a prerequisite for business success. When presence in the marketplace was a virtual guarantee of success for a North American company, technology tended to drive the products, and the customers bought virtually everything that was produced. Functional excellence was stressed within companies . . . and that was enough. Effective planning processes were not a prerequisite for success. Today success demands highly developed business research and planning processes, and functional excellence combined with organizational capabilities that ensure commercialization excellence. !0
机译:摘要:我们今天在这里面对竞争环境中面临的关键问题。北美公司正在努力在全球市场上竞争。存在确保成功的日子已经一去不复返了。然后,保证了销售和收益。今天的比赛非常激烈。许多制造和服务公司已不再具有竞争力。传统上,制造公司为社区和经济创造了最大的财富。失去创造财富的能力是悲剧性的,也是不必要的。公司只有通过以具有竞争力的成本关注客户满意度才能成功。收入的增长和收益的增长需要连续不断的产品流,这些产品流可以预测客户的需求,这是由于创新周期越来越短,质量不断提高以及在每个周期的成本提高而生产出来的。新产品是提高质量和降低成本的最佳机会。当然,每天都要进行质量和成本方面的工作。但是,最大的变化将来自新产品开发周期。我们必须改善我们的开发流程,以提供能够带来高水平客户满意度的领先产品。这是业务成功的前提。当市场占有率是北美公司成功的基本保证时,技术趋向于驱动产品,而客户实际上购买了所生产的一切。公司内部强调功能卓越。 。 。就足够了。有效的计划流程不是成功的前提。如今,成功需要高度发达的业务研究和计划流程,以及卓越的功能和可确保卓越商业化的组织能力。 !0



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