
A Space Efficient Backdoor in RSA and Its Applications


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In this paper we present an RSA backdoor that, for example, can be used for a hardware-based RSA key recovery system. The system is robust in the sense that a successful reverse-engineer is not able to obtain previous nor future RSA private keys that have been/will be generated within the key generation device. The construction employs the notion of two elliptic curves in which one is the "twist" of the other. We present a proof in the random oracle model that the generated RSA key pairs that are produced by the cryptographic black-box are computationally indistinguishable (under ECDDH) from "normal" RSA key pairs, thus ensuring the integrity of the outputs. Furthermore, the security level of the key recovery mechanism is nearly identical to that of the key pair being generated. Thus, the solution provides an "equitable" level of security for the end user. This solution also gives a number of new kleptographic applications.
机译:在本文中,我们介绍了RSA后门,例如,该后门可用于基于硬件的RSA密钥恢复系统。从成功的逆向工程人员无法获得在密钥生成设备中已经/将要生成的先前或将来的RSA私钥的意义上说,该系统是稳健的。该构造采用两条椭圆曲线的概念,其中一条是另一条的“扭曲”。我们在随机预言机模型中提供了一个证明,即由密码黑匣子产生的生成的RSA密钥对在计算上(在ECDDH下)与“常规” RSA密钥对是无法区分的,从而确保了输出的完整性。此外,密钥恢复机制的安全级别与正在生成的密钥对的安全级别几乎相同。因此,该解决方案为最终用户提供了“公平”的安全级别。该解决方案还提供了许多新的密码学应用。



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