首页> 外文会议>International Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures(WADS 2005); 20050815-17; Waterloo(CA) >Kinetic and Dynamic Data Structures for Convex Hulls and Upper Envelopes

Kinetic and Dynamic Data Structures for Convex Hulls and Upper Envelopes


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Let S be a set of n moving points in the plane. We present a kinetic and dynamic (randomized) data structure for maintaining the convex hull of S. The structure uses O(n) space, and processes an expected number of O(n~2 β_(s+2)(n) log n) critical events, each in O(log~2 n) expected time, including O(n) insertions, deletions, and changes in the flight plans of the points. Here s is the maximum number of times where any specific triple of points can become collinear, β_S(q) = λ_s(q)/q, and λ_s(q) is the maximum length of Davenport-Schinzel sequences of order s on n symbols. Compared with the previous solution of Basch et al., our structure uses simpler certificates, uses roughly the same resources, and is also dynamic.
机译:令S为平面中n个运动点的集合。我们提出了一种动力学和动态(随机)数据结构,用于维护S的凸包。该结构使用O(n)空间,并处理期望数量的O(n〜2β_(s + 2)(n)log n )关键事件,每个事件发生的时间为O(log〜2 n)个预期时间,包括O(n)插入,删除和飞行点计划的变化。这里s是任何特定的三重点可以变成共线的最大次数,β_S(q)=λ_s(q)/ q,而λ_s(q)是n个符号上顺序为s的Davenport-Schinzel序列的最大长度。与Basch等人的先前解决方案相比,我们的结构使用更简单的证书,使用大致相同的资源,并且也是动态的。



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