
DRPS: A Simple Model for Locating the Tightest Link


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The tightest link of a network path is the link where the end-to-end available bandwidth is limited. We propose a new and simple probe model, called Dual Rate Periodic Streams (DRPS), for finding the location of the tightest link. A DRPS probe is a periodic stream with two rates. Initially, it goes through the path at a comparatively high rate. When arrived at a particular link, the probe shifts its rate to a lower level and keeps the rate. If proper rates are set to the probe, we can control whether the probe is congested or not by adjusting the shift time. When the point of rate shift is in front of the tightest link, the probe can go through the path without congestion, otherwise congestion occurs. Thus, we can find the location of the tightest link by congestion detection at the receiver.
机译:网络路径中最紧密的链路是端到端可用带宽受到限制的链路。我们提出了一种新的简单探查模型,称为双速率周期性流(DRPS),用于查找最紧密链路的位置。 DRPS探针是具有两种速率的周期性流。最初,它以较高的速率通过路径。当到达特定链接时,探针会将其速率移至较低级别并保持该速率。如果为探针设置了合适的速率,我们可以通过调整移位时间来控制探针是否拥塞。当速率变化点在最紧密的链路前面时,探针可以通过该路径而不会发生拥塞,否则会发生拥塞。因此,我们可以通过接收器处的拥塞检测找到最紧密链路的位置。



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