首页> 外文会议>International Symposium on Nitrides; 20060403-05; Eskisehir(TK) >The New Top-to-Bottom Method of SiAlON Precursor Preparation by Activation in a Planetary Mill With a High Acceleration

The New Top-to-Bottom Method of SiAlON Precursor Preparation by Activation in a Planetary Mill With a High Acceleration


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Nano-structured β-sialon precursor powders were obtained as a result of milling in a planetary mill with a high acceleration. Various mixtures of initial nitrides/oxides have been prepared as β-sialon precursor with low (0.4-1.0z) substitution and were milled in a planetary mill of acceleration 28g (TTD, Russia) with zirconia or silicon nitride balls for a various times (30-45 min). The resultant powder showed various extents of crystalline lattice deformation: smaller crystallites, dislocations, bumpy surface. The degree of lattice destruction was influenced by the milling time and grinding media, however various mixture components showed diverse susceptibility to deformation.
机译:通过在行星式研磨机中以高加速度进行研磨的结果,获得了纳米结构的β-sialon前体粉末。制备了各种初始氮化物/氧化物混合物,作为低取代度(0.4-1.0z)的β-赛隆(Si-sialon)前体,并在28 g行星加速磨机(TTD,俄罗斯)中将其与氧化锆或氮化硅球研磨了不同的时间( 30-45分钟)。所得粉末显示出不同程度的晶格变形:较小的微晶,位错,凹凸不平的表面。晶格破坏的程度受研磨时间和研磨介质的影响,但是各种混合物成分对形变的敏感性不同。



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