首页> 外文会议>International Soil Conservation Organization Conference vol.2; 20020526-31; Beijing(CN) >Runoff and Erosion Risks Indicators on the Main Soils of the Mediterranean Mountains of Occidental Rif Area (Morocco)

Runoff and Erosion Risks Indicators on the Main Soils of the Mediterranean Mountains of Occidental Rif Area (Morocco)


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In Mediterranean mountains of Morocco, erosion problems are varied and dangerous: sheet erosion (1 to 5 t/(ha · year), rill erosion (10 to 100 t/(ha · year), gully erosion (100 to 300 t/(ha · year), mass movements (up to 10000 t/(ha • year), and tillage erosion (1 to 60 t/(ha · year). Linear erosion being more important than sheet erosion on steep slopes, runoff energy is more important on the mountains than rainfall energy. Therefore, a simple irrigator was used to simulate 50-mm rainfalls at 75-90 mm/h on 1-m~2 microplots, in order to measure propounding rainfall (Pi) and stable infiltration rate (If) on 64 plots representative of various soils and land uses, on 15 to 40% hillslopes. Significant correlations (R = 0.70 to 0.95) were observed (ⅰ) between stable infiltration (If) and soil properties (topsoil organic matter and stable macro-aggregate contents, cohesion, bulk density), and chiefly (ⅱ) between stable infiltration and soil surface status (% of surface covered by stones, litter and crusts). In contrast, there was no significant relation between infiltration rate, texture (topsoil sand, clay and clay + loam contents), initial soil moisture or resistance to shearing stress (scissometer), probably because the range of variations was too limited. These data emphasise the possibility to evaluate runoff and erosion risk in mountains areas taking into account land use (forest and Pinus plantations, overgrazed bush land, i.e. matorral, cereals and cannabis), soils (If on sandy clay fersiallitic soils > If on loamy clay brown vertisols > If on sandy lithosols), slopes and indicators like prepounding rainfall, sealing crust, topsoil water-stable macro-aggregate content and compaction.
机译:在摩洛哥的地中海山区,侵蚀问题多样且危险:薄板侵蚀(1至5吨/(公顷·年),小河侵蚀(10至100吨/(公顷·年),沟壑侵蚀(100至300吨/(公顷•年),群众运动(最高10000吨/(公顷•年)和耕作侵蚀(1至60吨/(公顷•年)。在陡坡上,线性侵蚀比薄板侵蚀更重要,径流能量更多)因此,为了测量倾斜的降雨(Pi)和稳定的入渗率(如果在代表各种土壤和土地利用的64个样地上,在15%至40%的山坡上,则观察到(ⅰ)稳定入渗(If)与土壤性质(表土有机质和稳定宏观土壤)之间的显着相关性(R = 0.70至0.95)。 -总含量,内聚力,堆积密度),主要是稳定渗透与土壤表面状况(结石覆盖的表面所占百分比)之间的关系(ⅱ)叔和地壳)。相反,渗透率,质地(表土砂,粘土和粘土+壤土含量),初始土壤水分或抗剪切应力(剪应力)之间没有显着关系,这可能是因为变化范围太有限了。这些数据强调了在考虑到土地利用(森林和松树人工林,过度放牧的灌木丛土地,即基质,谷物和大麻),土壤(如果在砂质粘土,铁硅酸盐土壤上>如果在肥壤土上)之后评估径流和侵蚀风险的可能性。棕色斜纹岩>如果在沙质石质溶胶上,则有坡度和指示物,如前倾降雨,结壳,表土水稳定的宏观集料含量和压实度。



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